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RE: Another ArborVilla Update

in Homesteading3 years ago

I like how I almost always learn something when I stop by your page dude! Never knew what mycorrhizae were until now, cool stuff.

Glad to hear you had some great holidays and had some great family around. That's awesome, the holidays with little kids is definitely a wonderful time! It's made it a lot more enjoyable even though we don't have things we do that we used to so we've learned to enjoy it all for sure.

I'm with you on the crazy temps, though I think you have it worse in upstate NY but we've had some bitter fucking cold temps lately! Single digits galore, even negative one night. Not typical for this time of year just yet so I'm hoping that we don't get a really long February lol


One of Hedge Witch's brothers that was in visiting is from the 'mitten' of Michigan, which I believe is your general area. He says the winters there are roughly the same as what we see here. I wouldn't wish this on anybody, even though there are some people out there who are absolutely smitten with hard winters. Takes all types, I guess :D

The holidays for me are always sort of something to 'make it through', but all the extra joy this year did make the time pass a little more pleasantly! It has been more than a few years since I had any children to worry about for Christmas, and having children that I don't have to worry about was way better!

Glad you learned something, I always wonder if anybody out there is getting anything useful out of this stuff. I've been trying to do more personal posts with this account, and less straight how-to, while still keeping things educational for diy minded folks. I'd like to branch out into videos someday, but there are only so many hours...