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RE: Chicken coop coming soon

in Homesteading2 years ago

I'm so excited for you!! Your very own poopers birdies and home-grown eggies. Do you have crows where you are? The chickens will learn quickly from the crows when there are predators present.

Outside that I know from what other people say that keeping chickens is a lot of work, but absolutely a wonderful experience. There are a lot of chicken-people in Portland, it's kind of a thing. And when my friend moved from Portland to Anchorage the family brought their chickens. On a ferry! I would keep chickens were it not for the whole traveling addiction and living in a studio apartment... I'm not big on birds as pets but when they're flightless it's a different story. 😄

I can't wait to see your chicken pictures and your home-made mayo.


Not so many crows around here, mostly Rooks are waiting on the branches steady and ready while I'm digging garden. 😂

Guess everything is an obligation, but trust me I found it less hard than rush to earn money for something seriously shitty quality and overpriced.
Hahahha, I'm imaging chicken feathers waving on ferry breeze, but also depends on quantity, we won't go for farm only for our only usage and maybe to sell some here and there.

Clapping my hands from excitement! 👏
Can't wait for it, luckily I learned how to be patient and enjoy the process, so no rush at all, everything falls in its place so far and I feel supported with every decision I've made so far.

Thank you hun, very much thank you! ❤️