Adopt laying ducks
So long I've been working on many cases, I've been trying something new to fill my spare time!
In the last few days my friend offered me a new job, they have many facilities and developed in many ways, they made many chicken coops and laying ducks and also made more poultry breeds. This is quite interesting as I thought and the last few days I also visited and saw the work, I thought it was quite interesting also for homesteading work, on the other hand I tried to adopt baby ducks after they hatched in one week, I have made a small cage and made a cage new for laying duck seeds.

I adopted as many as 100 seedlings, I thought it was my first job trying to raise laying ducks, the large yard from the back of my house turned it into a laying duck pen, I think they have something in common with broilers, the way to care for them is also not much different from broilers, I was so focused on the new situation to start raising laying ducks.

Yes, maybe a little weird and crazy for me, there I have mixed up with gardening, I think I have a lot of opportunities to take care of the garden and poultry, I have a lot of desire to have a lot of different jobs before and even though this is weird that ever happened.

I just made a small cage for laying ducks, I have spent my whole day, but it's not completely ready and I will continue to repair the cage the next day, indeed I still need a lot of equipment to make the cage, I think I will do it alone even if I can took my time a few days.
The summer is too long, I also need to build a small cottage and a pond to make some more comfortable and get better quickly, I have ordered bait from the store, this will be food stock for laying ducklings, next week my friend will come and bring ducklings with their trucks, I think I can finish the stables in a few days.
Maybe I'm too busy with what is my job as a gardener, I've been through many jobs like homesteading, I hope you have the same job too! :)