Your mum is the smart one, I am completely unprepared! I am enjoying the fireplace indeed, thank you!
I hope it's not too cold on your side, though I am sure you're used to it! Fancy doing that swimming in a frozen river like Wimm Hoff 😀?
Your mum is the smart one, I am completely unprepared! I am enjoying the fireplace indeed, thank you!
I hope it's not too cold on your side, though I am sure you're used to it! Fancy doing that swimming in a frozen river like Wimm Hoff 😀?
Actually, it's not too cold here at the moment, I can't complain (even though it has been raining a lot).
Swimming in a frozen river or lake would probably be good for me. But my resistance is just too big, haha. Nothing about it seems appealing to me. I would consider it though if there was a sauna close by (and actually there are many places like that here in Sweden so well, it might be something to try...).
I thought so, I've heard about it a lot. I am sure it's a tourist attraction haha.