3DPing, PDC, Brass Catcher, Cooler Cleaning, Line Cover, Kraken, Printer Mods, The Tower - Saturday

in Homesteading10 days ago

Damn cold morning yesterday, just like this morning, 10F as the sun came up. It was super frosty on the farm once the dark went and it stayed that way all day. I really would like to see some kind of weather come through so we might get snow, but the sunshine is rather nice after the weeks of blech.


Pretty nifty cam blocks. I printed one of each, p.i.p and in parts. The p.i.p. one actually works and the parts move but a bit stiff while the one in parts is smooth and easy to use. Likely will only hold 50 pounds max but I will try a weight test on one and see.


Barney blew it. He had the chance to win but both him and Bunting were terrible for much of the match. He really blew it.


Printed a paraglider wing for the dummies. It came out really nice and I have a lot of work to do to get the lines on it. I plan to drill tiny holes across the underside to push the thread into and a dot of glue on top.


I took the brass catcher out to the tool shed and used the bandsaw to hack a section off.


My scope gets in the way so after a big cut and some shaving I have it fit nicely in place.


Probably hold at least 100 .22 shells and will save TONS of time having to pickup the brass.


The cooler got forgotten about and there was some stuff left in it that was frozen solid. I dumped it all to the sheep and the birds who dove into it all quickly.


The cooler will need a cleaning when it is warmer.


I also hacked at the shit that was keeping the coop door open.


I found the barrel under the carport and then remembered where to foam was so I got it lined and then put over the hose bib stub. I'm hoping the insulation will help keep the thing from freezing since I have the heat tape on it.


Early afternoon the Kraken game came on but I needed to make a run up to the gas station to fill up the truck and grab some beer.


WAY better game this time as they put the smack down on the Penguins.


I got the dumbbell stands epoxied together and set aside to dry. They end up working well but can only hold 3 each.


Really good lines this time and solid chemistry building with a couple.


It's so much nicer having their games mid day instead of at 7pm start times.


Pretty stoked with the print. The posts are for the backside of the printer to hold it against the wall to keep it from shaking so much during prints. Also the lid bar to hold it open since it is on the hinges.


The riser I installed has a place to mount the filament sensor so it is inside and I took the time to shift it in. I had it outside but want to have a guide outside instead.


The posts now holding the back of the printer.


The filament guide that I have to reglue today as the bottom rings didn't adhere properly.


My order arrived and my pack of hygrometers got put to instant use. I have one in the filament cabinet, one over my computer, one in the bathroom, and one stuck under the lid of the printer. I had just put this one in after coming in from the mailbox.


They work, just not big enough.


R was stacking cans in the kitchen and managed to get it taller than him before he accidentally knocked it over breathing on it too hard.


The insides are now sitting at less than 10% humidity and gets to over 110F during printing.


I have the side pretty well dialed now. The lid lift has a perfect spot to live now.


This is about where it looks to live most of the time.


Got a pair of hygrometer stands printed and then installed the pair. The shelves I'm stoked I figured out. When I scaled it the parts that mount to the HSW got too long so I had to go and hack out the middle section and line them back up again. The prints worked out perfectly.


Headed out to soak after swapping filament and getting the next run going.


I was there when it finished and I'm really stoked on the green I got. It's the translucent green and looks super cool. I put on an HSW panel to go overnight but my nozzle died mid print so only did about 1/3 of it. I had a shit show to deal with this morning.


Had to disassemble to hot end this morning and swap out nozzles which was an over half hour task in all but it is back working again and working on the HSW panel. I have more nozzles on order as I've killed two now.

Today is again 10F as the sun is coming up over the hill, I'll keep the printer going all day, watch Man Utd get abused, should design the lazy susan in Blender, and work on cleaning in the house more.


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The hose bib cover looks like it will fix the problem!👍
Plenty of insulation !😊