While I was working on the truck I got the printer going with a little folding box that came out better in PLA since it broke free easier.
I finally figured out how to get the water pump free once I found my chain vise grip which allowed me to lock the pulley in place to get the bolts free. I then siphoned off as much of the fluid as I could before pulling the pump.
That's when I hit the stumbling block... the crankshaft pulley....
It was noon and I had to get the turkey in to roast for the afternoon. Nicely it fit perfectly in the roaster and went in to the 325 oven for hours.
So my attempt at making the tool needed to remove the pulley started okay. I got the right form but the function just wasn't there.
The last thing to print for the day was the lock ring plier case which fits them perfectly. I went to print the lid and that's when the shit happened.
So the bolt is torqued IN at 184 ft/lbs which I now have to over come at least that much, likely well over 250 ft/lbs to break it free. SO my bracket didn't hold well enough. I bent a bolt and the metal bracket. I was DAMNED close with my tool but after roaming the farm I couldn't find a piece of metal that would work as the bar...
So off to Amazon and I found the correct tool for $20 that will be here today. This is way stronger and allows me to use pipes on the tab to get enough force. I hope.
And this is the state of it for now. The pulley has to come off before I can take the timing cover off. I can work on the exhaust, intake, and fuel lines today until the tool delivers.
Weigh ins for R for the tournament this weekend.
Got a shot of the hand signal cheat sheet to have on hand for the tournaments.
It does make me laugh a little that the wrestling room is all padded. At least they are colored and not institution white or beige.
The printer borked again. Stupid hot ends. The filament jammed and when I was going to pull the nozzle the damned thermocouple wire broke. I tried to solder it on but it looks like it was welded. Fucking figures. So the new hot end is ordered and will be here to day as well.
@stryeyz went to pick up R after practice and went to the parent meeting at the end then they were home in time for us to go soak. I got my half hour before my skin tweaked.
Today is tarting off like shit. The gate broke last night so I have to go out and see what happened before I can get everyone to school and work today. I'll work on the engine tear down more, fix the gate, see if the old car will start and move, when the deliveries arrive I will hopefully get the pulley removed and the printer back up and running. Fucking UGGGGGGGGG!!!!!
Oh and Utd will get obliterated this morning then PDC will be on mid day.
2025 Y/E Hive Goals | Yr Start | Goal | Current | +/- Goal | +/Week |
HP | 30,013 | 36,500 | 31,300 | +163 | 110 |
HBD Savings | 4,024 | 5,500 | 4,409 | / | 71 |
Hive Posting Streak Days (since 5/25/20) | 1681 | 2,047 | 1,746 | / | 5 |

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A busy day my friend, I hope the new tool helps you!👍