I FIGURED THE ENGINE OUT! Parts Ordered, Pdc, Utd, 3DP, Brunch, Krash, Firepit, Garlic - Sunday

in Homesteading2 days ago

I looked more at the FSM yesterday morning and found what I was missing to get the timing cover off, finally. It wasn't until mid day when I got to it though. PDC Belgium was on and some pretty shaky play from Littler despite the wins.


Got the printer going and got the panel out nicely.


Man Utd played and totally screwed Aresenal which is just wonderful to see Arteta acting like a baby.


They tied but it killed the title hopes for Arsenal and made me laugh. Utd should have lost really.


We all headed up to Backroads for brunch and as usual the boys had to bring change for the games and machines.


I had the print going while we were eating but it borked after finishing the HSW parts but not the hygrometer stand.


It was after noon and I was out working on the truck. I managed to get the a/c off then the bracket behind. 4 bolts across the bottom face and the timing cover came off with ease.

THEN I SAW IT!!!!! See that black piece sitting there???? THAT'S THE PROBLEM!!!!


The timing chain tensioner slipper had the tab that pushes against the chain tensioner break off. There was just a couple small pieces in the bottom aside from the main part. I went and looked around online and it would have been $60 from a Dealer but I got one through Autozone for $30 and will be here Tuesday.


Along with that I also went and looked for a new 130a alternator and found one on Amazon for $125. It will be here Tuesday as well wit ha new serpentine belt. The worst part of the whole endeavor is going to be dealing with resetting the timing correctly...


So the Kraken and the Caps played an earlier game and the Kraken managed to get out to a lead surprisingly but that lasted seconds into the 2nd period.


Not long later they were behind a goal before managing to tie it later in the period.


Pretty solid fight in the 3rd that saw 5 of each team in the penalty box!


The boys ripped apart the fire pit for me and stacked out the bricks. The thing has to be rebuilt wit ha much more leveled base.


I had the PDC and NHL split screened and they both ended about the same time. Littler won the tourney but De Decker did badass in his home country.


Kraken pulled the goalie to try and even but then OV got an open net goal to get them up 4-2.


I was working on putting tools away and stopped by the garden shed then noticed the garlic glowing in the afternoon light. All but the Carpathian have poked through the soil, so about 950 are showing so far.


The pit was for sure toast. The base bricks were rather deep and didn't allow the right air flow so the fires kept snuffing out. It will get moved to the right and spun to be parallel with the east/west of the house. It will give me much more room for moving wood to the cover as well.


Swapped over to the red PLA for some more HSW parts.




Stupid bullshit time change really really needs to go.


Today will be mellow temps before the rains hit the next days. I have to make sure the truck is covered to keep the bay clean, wash my clothes after the mechanic mess, get the boys to school, possibly till if the ground is dry enough, poke around the Subaru and try to figure out the shake and sounds, I'll maybe start moving stuff in the garden shed to place the hive, and then R has practice tonight.


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Glad you found the problem with your truck sounds like an easy fix!👍😀

At least the engine is still in the truck, and my real hope is I can get it all back together correctly.

One big jigsaw puzzle…….😇
Hopefully the part will be easy to get a hold of !👍😊

Engine stays in the truck = win! No signs of issues with the block, head gasket, etc?

Nope, everything else looks good. I stopped driving it right when the piece fully broke off so there is no damage I can see anywhere. I got the cams and smaller timing chains back in today so when the parts get here tomorrow I will start putting it all back together.


Arsenal dominated them in the first half. That Man U goal was against the run of play. I wish Bruno had scored that late minute goal, my heart would have exploded with joy. Europa league challenge up next.