Printer Ate Itself, Store, Antenna Mount Build, Trundling Logs, Aim - Monday

in Homesteading3 months ago

I woke yesterday morning to this abomination on the printer head. Apparently I shouldn't have set it to run over night with a full infill model. At some point it clogged and then went full Akira before the thermistor wire got shorted and shut the machine down.


Thankfully all the screws were still uncovered so I was able to get the head taken apart.


All the screws set on the build plate in order as I removed all the parts.


Soon I had the heater off and WOW was it coated. The nozzle was completely covered. I set it aside to work on the antenna.


For the antenna mount I am using the riser piece from an old Dish antenna and needed the measurements for hardware.


To North 40 I went and got myself 1 1/4" pvc, t's, all thread, washers, nuts, and the u clamp and it all came out to exactly $42. Thereby PROVING that what I was doing was exactly right, in line with the answer to life the universe and everything.


Back on the farm I found my heat gun and sat on the concrete outside the living room door and blasted the PLA which made it soften quite a bit.


Using the nippers and dikes I was able to cut away enough of the PLA to expose the nozzle enough that I could remove it. There is the possibility that I could get the rest off but I will worry about that later. I have a new head shipped that will be here today sometime.


So with the printer apart I headed out to work on the antenna. The pvc got cut down to a 6" and 8" long piece then glued together.


I cut a slot in the end of the pvc for the riser to fit in which will help keep the riser from spinning.


THIS is rather badass I think. I will have the ability to point the YAGI up to 70 degrees vertically. The front of the antenna will be pointing towards the 90 while the rear of the antenna will be on the stub side.

I drug out a number of pieces of metal trying to fined the right ones for the tower mounting and I think I have them. The hard part is going to be drilling holes through the concrete as my drill bits are not likely long enough....


Mid afternoon I hiked up the hill to the tree to do some trundling. I had buckled the tree top but had left the logs in place which needed to find their way down the 90 foot hillside. The only option was to start chucking them.


It was a multi step process as I had to lob them into the pen where they largely landed on the branches before I climbed down the hill and chucked them the rest of the way. Some go some serious speed as they flipped end over end. The sheep all kept well out of the way.


This is only the top rounds which are all smaller. When I buck the rest those rounds will be much bigger so will really trundle. Hope the fence isn't destroyed in the process, but at least it should help keep them from going all the way to the creek.


They all made it to the bottom where they lay now. I will go haul them to the wood wall today. Plus there are some rounds still on the hill that need to get dug out of the brush and trundled the rest of the way down.


Am trying outs a bit more as it seems to be the harder part going from number to number. The doubling outs are slowly, very very slowly, getting a bit easier. It's a weird psychological thing throwing for the triple or the double, the triple seems so much easier since there is scoring all around it, the double has a LOT of room to miss. This was one of my attempts at the out but the 3rd dart went way off the double 16...


I made dinner, poor R was nauseous again as he came home from school feeling bad, we got the garbage out, the boys to bed, then us out to soak which I managed a half hour now that I know no jets.


Today I will get the boys to school, work on the antenna tower, will put the printer back together when the heater gets here, move the wood, try mounting the antenna on rotor on a temp install so I can use my radio, keep scouring the model sites for more things to print, the Kraken play this afternoon, and I will figure out dinner this evening.


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Wow, that sucks about the printer. Also, glad the sheep are smart enough to stay out of the way of the logs rolling down.

Glad to hear no jets seem to be working for you!👍
If you’re using bromine, you could also try chlorine instead might make a difference ….

Love your description of the log movement down the hill, @flemingfarm - nice work!