Yesterday morning I had the printer going first thing working on the drawers. The case had printed the prior evening but I ran out of filament so it ended up not as deep as it should have. That meant I had to scale the drawers to fit correctly, though I missed by about a quarter inch depth...
While the printer was going I was in the pantry digging out the freezers that had become covered in a litany of various things. I eventually got the freezer nook cleared and had access to the freezers. Opening them up I found some serious ice buildup that needed to be removed. I went and grabbed a strong knife and used that to chip at and then pry the ice from the freezer walls.
One has to be very careful when using the knife to not stab the freezer but thankfully it all flaked off really easily. I only had a couple spots to actually work at.
The 5 gallon bucket was full of the ice. I hucked it out in the yard where it is still sitting this morning. I also pulled some shitty rhubarb out to throw to the birds and will need to sort through all the meats for the freezer burned that I can trash.
PDC semi finals and of course MVG won his match. Was really hoping Dobey could get past him.
Weak ass storm system. It flitted in over the day and began dropping snow, very very lightly. It was more annoying than anything and kept at the slow plodding pace all afternoon.
The light fine flakes never really got much bigger, just more of them at times.
Littler destroyed Bunting to make it to his second world finals. The match today will be great and I really hope Little can kick MVG's ass.
See, just light and shitty snow. If it's going to snow at least SNOW all ready!
In my pantry cleaning I found a pair of empty growlers that had had Kahlua in them which made me remember that I was supposed to make more. I pulled out the sugar, got a heavy pack of coffee grounds in the espresso maker and made 2 batches, 2 cups each. That got heated on the stove to boil then 6 cups of sugar went in.
The recipe is stupid easy, one just has to do it. The pot got covered and set on the freezer outside to cool off.
It was just playing with us all day, ohh look, I'm snowing..... Just kidding! Ohhh look.... some big flakes.... FOOLED YOU!
A band would come through but the temps were never cold enough to really let the snow stick.
It took all day but I ended up getting all 6 drawers printed for the case and it works quite nice for my antenna parts.
It was 4pm and the snow had finally managed to stick a little bit but only thanks to the cooler backside of the system, it warmed up pretty quick again and the melt was rapid.
While the sugar coffee was still warm I brought it inside to split between growlers. I first broke up 2 vanilla beans into each one then poured the coffee in split between them. Then 2 cups of Jim Beam went to each, I cut a plastic bag and laid it over the top before putting the cap on, and now they sit for one month to age. Though I'm sure one will get broken into sooner than later most likely.
All day long I had FreeCad open and am working through a textbook on it. Just working on the Sketcher works for now but am finding the tools available to be quite awesome. Now with the printer I have more reason to learn cad better.
The Kraken game came on and watched the first period before going out to soak for the second.
Watched the last period and OT which they lost in the shootout, but at least they got their point for the tie.
Today is shitty weather, warmer and rainy, which should clear the farm of any white and take us back to mud. I'll have the printer going today, try to get the boys to clean their rooms, haul freezer burned stuff out, PDC finals is on mid day, I'll keep at FreeCad, and go work on fridge in studio.
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HP | 30,013 | 36,500 | 30,062 | / | 119 |
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Trying to snow..... but still too warm my friend crazy winter!🙄