I get eggs from a guy at work, his dad has many chickens (none of which have covid 19 or whatever the fuck germs are causing the egg issue). Anyway, this useless eggformation is just an eggscuse to egg you on to make another comment I can upvote...but you have to answer a question to gain it. Ready?
How many eggs in a carton of a dozen eggs?
It'll be eggcellent if you answer correctly as it'll gain you a 100% upvote from me.
It better be twelve, but I know chicken math, so the number goes up by the day 😂! Just got back from the market and a dozen large eggs were $7.69...I feel rich 🤣
Eggzactly 12!
Squee! I'm so eggcited....no yolk!
Fuck, this comment deserves another 100%er. (For the word squee,)