Flew (Into)The Coop

in Homesteading2 years ago


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Since February 9th my bathroom has been inhabited by six little pullets. At first they were pretty fun to behold every time I went in there to do business. As the weeks went by, they were still cute, but as all little animals do, they got more messy as they increased in size.

In our barn we have an insulated nursery coop. I could have started the chicks out there, I could have moved them out there any time, but here's the thing, it was below zero a few times during the last month, and I, well, am a sucker.

I also might be a bit lazy. Why walk out to the barn multiple times a day to tend to the small frys when I can just walk in my bathroom, I mean, I am going to do that a bunch anyways throughout the day.

At least that was my thought process. After spending the last two hours scrubbing, scouring, dusting, and disinfecting, well, my mindset might be a bit different. But boy does my bathroom smell and look nice!


Anyway, it was time for Bruce, Panko, Doily, Tatters, Harlow, and McNugs to go to their actual home. And in order for that to happen I had to do a few things. Thankfully, I had the hubs here to help me, it made it easier. And more fun! Probably mostly for me. Poor hubs.

Anyway. I took the chick's heat lamp, the extension cord, the rest of their sawdust, and I wandered out to the barn. In no time I had the heat lamp clamped to the roost in the pen at a respectable distance from the freshly feathered beasts. Quick, fast, and in a hurry I spread the shavings, and on my way back to the house I grabbed a gallon chicken waterer to disinfect for the girls.


After scrubbing the waterer out, I got the pet carrier out of the kitchen and crawled into the dog crate the chicks have been living in to catch the babies.


Tatters decided to be a bit extra and ran out of the pen while I was half in it grabbing Panko. Tatters then flew up and perched on a planter that sits on my tub surround. She was calling me all manner of impolite things, which was really rather rude, as I was just trying to upgrade her living situation.

After collecting all the squawking beasties, the hubs and I wandered out to the barn. Since there is still a bunch of snow, I threw the bird's food, another bag of shavings, the waterer, and feed pan into one of our chore sleds and dragged it to the barn. The hubs followed in my huffing wake with the carrier of birds and his wire cutters.

Once I got the birds unloaded, watered, and fed, I had the hubs fix a few holes in the chicken wire that lines the top of the brooder room. Even though our cats are pretty chill around birds, I still didn't want to take any chances, so some reinforcing fence staples were deployed.


As the hubs and I walked back to the house, hand in hand, I smiled thoughtfully. It's been quite a while since I had baby peeps around, especially in such a diminuitive number. Seriously, for most of my adult homesteading life I've ran anywhere from 50-250 birds at a time. Having six is like work Christmas.


Plus, the ducks cussed at me as they passed by with their new neighbors.

It was a good morning...

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Little $h&t doing his best impression of me after this morning's work.

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's disinfected just like the bathroom iPhone.


Yeah, the few times I’ve had an injured bird in the house has thoroughly cured me of ever wanting to brood chicks in the house. I prefer to keep the mess in the cold room, it’s much easier to clean!

I hear ya! I'd much rather have a goat in a diaper in the house over a bunch of birds😆


That is very nice
I have a feeling that taking care if them may be quite expensive. Am I right?


Compared to larger livestock like cattle, pigs, and horses, chickens aren't costly at all. That said, they do take up time and a bit of money, but the eggs and fertilizer they provide is awesome!


'Tatters'! I love the name!

Lol! Thanks! It totally fits her let me tell ya😆


Wow, I have some Quails so I am following more people that Homestead, glad I found you @generikat!

By the way, have you heard about Threads? It's a short form content interface just like Twitter, and the Homestead community has LeoPower to curate Threads from Homesteaders! Maybe you want to give it a try!

Aww, quail are so cute, especially baby quail! We used to raise them at my friend's feed store! I am looking forward to reading about your quail adventures lol!

And yes, I have heard about threads, and even posted a couple when it launched, but I am super thankful you reminded me about that awesome interface! There's so much amazingness around here that I appreciate a heads up whenever they show up!

Thanks for stopping by😊


I am only self promoting because it's an old article and you seem to like Quails just a little bit haha, but here's one of my Quail posts :D

I haven't seen baby Quail, and I don't intend to breed them (although if it happens, more than awesome!), now I'm wondering if I should try it because they look very nice and tiny on pics I just found online haha

Yes! There's a lot of activity on Threads, tons of engagement and I've found them super fun as of late now that the new interface is user friendly, if you decide to come back and Thread every now and then I guess I'll see you around!

In fact, I'll summon you over there haha, thanks for the pizza!


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Learn more at https://hive.pizza.

She was calling me all manner of impolite things, which was really rather rude, as I was just trying to upgrade her living situation.

Ungrateful wretch!

I remember when my parents would sometimes house a bottle-feeding lamb in a large barrel in the house. They were cute, but could get smelly.