Let's Get Saucy!

in Homesteadinglast year


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Since I am still on the slow boat to recovery-land, my work ability is a bit limited. That said, every time I went into the kitchen to get some tea or something the past week there have been taunts emitting from my kitchen table.

Two large boxes of apples have sat on my table all week while I was languishing thanks to my hyper-zealous immune system. The last couple of days though, I have finally started to feel a bit better. So, I have been slowly adding little bits of chores to my routine in between rest sessions.

And today's routine was to can a bit of those apples in the form of applesauce. Normal (heh), functioning Kat could do the whole fifty pounds in a few hours, but immune system slain Kat shuddered to even thing about that task.

So I did a single batch, about twelve pints worth of applesauce.


I got out my trusty peeler, corer, slicer that was a wedding gift over two decades ago and made quick work of quite a few pounds of apples. I cored, sliced, and peeled enough to fill my entire large stock pot.


Then I added a bit of water, placed the lid on the pot, and turned my stove on low so the apples could have a good bit of simmer softening.

(I also rested while that happened).


After the apples got all squishy, I processed them in my food processor. Sometimes I run them through my food mill that fits on my stand mixer, but I didn't have the Kat-credits for that task today, and honestly, the resulting puree from pulsing the softened apples in the food processor was super tasty!


Before I started the food processor part, I had walked out to the fruit room and collected a dozen pint jars. I have canned my applesauce in both quarts and pints over the years, but with one kid off to college we seem to be eating a bit less, and I really don't like letting part of a quart of applesauce go to waste. Thus, pints.

After washing and placing the clean jars in the canner to boil and sterilize, I finished up the puree and placed it back in the stock pot on the stove, bringing it to a low boil. I then sprinkled a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg into the applesauce, because why not? The resulting applesauce was such a pretty rose color due to the variety that comes from our friend's most amazing apple tree, they are a rippled red and cream flesh on the inside that makes the most gorgeous rose-colored sauce!


After I simmered the seasoned sauce for a bit, I ladled the sauce into the piping hot jars, removed any air bubbles with a chop stick, placed a hot lid and ring on the jar, and plunked them each back into the hot canner.


Then, it was processing time! I usually process pints between 20-25 minutes because of my altitude, and as soon as the time went off I removed the jars, sat them on a towel, and stood back to admire my handiwork.

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It sure feels good to be up and moving just a little bit again.

However, just that small chore, even with rest breaks, has wiped me out. So I am off to take a bit of a nap and such. But I will feel all snug and bask in the satiated glow of one who has preserved some of the harvest for winter.

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's currently scented like some fancy home store fall-themed candle iPhone. The text divider image was made in Canva.


This looks like a lot of work but oh so tasty!

It kinda is, but when it’s the dead of winter, and you pop the seal on a jar, only to be blasted with the sublime scent of apples at the peak of harvest, let’s just say the memory of the labor required to craft the sauce fades with each bite lol!

Also, I use a lot of it as a substitute or partial substitute for oil in my baking😊


when it’s the dead of winter, and you pop the seal on a jar, only to be blasted with the sublime scent of apples

Mmm, a comfort treat to stave off the winter blues :)

I understand your struggle. I had 50 pounds of pears to deal with. No complaints, though. Glad to have fresh food to preserve. !BBH

That's a respectable amount of pears! And I agree with you so much, I love having the fresh food to preserve too😊


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(4/5)@generikat! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @fiberfrau.

My daughter brought home 2 boxes of apples from my sister's house this weekend! So we plan to make applesauce on Friday. It will be nice to have her help.

Ooh! Extra hands and apples! I hope applesauce making time is going well today😊


The color sure is pretty! I think this was a good amount of work to deserve a nap. I hope you got one...

I did! And thank you😊


This may be quite stressful but you did well
It is really amazing
I wish I could have a taste

I wish you could too! And thanks so much, I always enjoy when you drop by and leave one of your lovely comments!



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