The Flicker Haven Farm Files-The Couching Around Weekend

in Homesteading2 years ago


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Sometimes sequential events spring to life in one's timeline that have a theme. This past weekend was the time of the couch.

What does that have to do with homesteading, Kat? A few of you may be wondering. Well, this weekend was full of homesteading chores, sights, and sounds. It's just that couches were a very present part of all the hoopla.


For instance, the weather finally warmed up just enough to get some raking and burning done. Okay, I am stretching it a bit, more like it warmed up enough as long as I had a pile burning to get some raking and burning done, but hey, I'll take it.


And rake it! I raked, and used my trusty lawnmower sweeper, and picked up sticks, and burned!

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At one point on Friday night I burned three hundred feet of pine needle piles. It was glorious!


It's getting about time to plant my one row of potatoes. I know this because Tax Day is tomorrow and I always plant my seed potatoes round that time. This year I don't feel bad planting them a bit later since we are in the throes of a cold, late spring.

But, it did make me happy to see that our garlic is peeking out of the straw as are the hops.


Since I was in such a good mood from burning things, I stopped by the calendula and hollyhock patch and grabbed some calendula seed heads. I had meant to harvest some last fall but as we went from 84F to snowing in two weeks time last year, I didn't get that task done.


So I did it in April. Last week I took some hollyhock seed heads from the same patch, soaked them, and have them currently sprouting in a flat in the greenhouse. It's just the calendula's turn now.

I can't wait for flowers for YEARS!

Because as it stands now it looks like I will have about 1/4acre of flowers in the market garden. That's not counting the half an acre of lavender out in the field. The bees are totally going to be loving my homestead this year!

Also, I will probably be sleeping out in the flower field most nights in my hammock. Because...reasons...


The birds are growing nicely. By birds I mean the chicks I picked up at the post office on February 9th. Wow, that sentence could mean so many things, but I meant chicks of the poultry variety.


The pullets are in full mini chicken phase right now, which if I am honest, is my favorite stage of chickenhood. They are all sorts of sassy and look like a half-sized version of their future adult selves.

Plus, Bruce thinks it's funny to violently peck the feed pan before I fill it like she's tough or something. I think I will be tucking Bruce under my wing and taking her for a perspective altering walkabout round the farm. She needs taken down a peg or two.


The ducks have been laying a ton of eggs lately, which really hasn't hurt any of our feelings as when there are more eggs about I bake a LOT more baked goods.


The teenagers that materialize on the weekends seem very appreciative of this fact. The double chocolate chocolate chip cookie bars that I made evaporated in one business day.


And the alien plant in my yard is starting to look more rhubarb-like. Which is nice. I also got the asparagus bed completely weeded the other day, which makes me happy. Well, I still can't feel my left index finger because it about froze off while I did that chore, but I think it's going to live, so that's a happy thing!

This week is a bit of a melee in the making as we have the hub's rifle team dinner, my daughter's senior class party auction dinner fundraiser, and my daughter's 18th birthday. Along with a couple track meets and such. But planting season waits for no one, so in that time mess I also have to plant the potatoes, get the garden beds ready, and start zinnias, sunflowers, cosmos, and some cold weather plants like the peas.

I need a hot tub...


But what about the couches you might be asking? Well, my cousin got a new couch. My podcast co-host has a terrible couch and my cousin's couches were not too terrible. We have a big one ton pickup truck.

I bet you can see where this is going.

So, in between all that homesteading that I did this week, we also did couch potato.

One night I moved out my cousin's old couches to his patio.

The other night the hubs and are daughter and her friend loaded the old couches onto Rufus (our truck).

The next night we delivered the old couches to our bud whilst also loading and removing his old couch that my husband hates more than anything.

And now the old couch is currently sitting on Rufus. I think it's new home will be Fort Cankles (the kid's fort in the back ten acres of our property), or possibly the dump. I'm a little scared to take the old couch to the dump. While my son was driving the old couch to our home that couch decided it wasn't going to take its getting kicked out lying down and threw one of its legs at the car behind my son.

Luckily he saw the bad behavior, pulled over, and removed all the couch's legs so that it couldn't commit a fit throwing homicide. Every time I walk by it I can feel its hatred flowing.

But to be honest, lifting another couch right now is not really appealing to me. Maybe we'll just drive the truck around with a couch accessory adorning the back. Who knows, we might start a trend.

But that could just be my concussion talking. Yep, I got one of those this weekend too, but I am going to save that story for another post😉

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's not currently lost in a couch iPhone. The text divider image was made in Canva.


Quite a weekend you had and from the sound of it, an active week ahead. If we find you taking a break on the back of the pickup truck bed couch, no one will judge!


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Ooh, good idea! 😆

Honestly, I just helped my daughter make her graduation photo card announcements and really would like to go hide on the couch lol!!


... at the post office, eh? Makes me think of all kinds of things now! 😜

Yeah, driving around with a couch on the loading bed looks fun, though it kinda defeats the purpose of a pick-up truck... unless you're going to the post office! (Oh no, am I starting a trend here?)

As for "What does that have to do with homesteading, Kat?" What does NOT have to do with homesteading?

Thanks for this fun post, it got a few laughs out of me.

I now have to thank you for the fun comment, it got more than a few laughs out of me!

As for the post office trend, only time will tell 😆

Thanks so much for dropping by, hope you had a fantastic weekend!


Seems to me I saw a meme somewhere involving a couch on the back of a pickup or on a trailer, and it was supposed to be an Idaho taxi or something. Maybe you could start a business. LOL

Oh no! I can’t let the Bruhs read this, they’ll start Couch Truck Taxi Service 🤣


Trees spend their entire life drawing carbon out of the air and you just burn their produce to return it back into the air! XD You should pile it, introduce some good wood decaying micro organisms and spray it down a bit each week and let that carbon be released into the soil. Better air, better soil and carbon rich soil holds water better.

Absolutely! Circle of life😉

Honestly, a good chunk of the ponderosa pine needles around here are used as mulch on my blueberry plants in the orchard, I’ve had success at using it as bedding and being turned in the animal manure compost pile, among other things, but some of it is going to get burned every spring because it’s entirely too dangerous to leave acres of needles laying about in a living area in a forest that has evolved to have a burn cycle. The trees by where I burn have benefitted greatly from the once yearly burn next to them for the last twenty years, as they are adapted to thrive in burn conditions, and they are over a hundred years old and incredibly healthy.

Small amounts of controlled burning, especially in a pine forest, is always going to be more beneficial to the environment than massive forest fires caused by neglect and human activity. And I’d absolutely love to have all the people who are concerned with such things to gratefully volunteer the massive labor and funds needed to accomplish their ideals. It’d be awesome!

Thanks for stopping by😊


Forest management is far less destructive than forest fires. Ashes are great for gardens, too. Soil in the inland northwest tends to need more manure and mulch. It's mineral silt wherever Glacial Lake Missoula drained through, and nothing is there in the dirt to hold those nutrients. Building soil and burning slash is how you make it work in such regions.

I grew up in Pennsylvania. Long period, decay based, topsoil from many centuries of forrest growth. Topsoil so thick and soft you can jump up, bend you kness back, grab your ankles and land on your knees and the top soil will absorb the impact. You actually had to go find a river, a mountain or dig down a few feet or more to get rocks! XD

Not so much here. Where it isn't gravel, the silt and clay still barely qualify as dirt, much less soil. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are all in short supply. Ashes and manure help. Compost helps. Crop rotation helps. But it's a struggle because the area is fundamentally poor in fertility. Pine trees and pioneer species are the only plants that thrive here without a lot of work. We get a great rock crop, though! I have a theory about that, too...

Pine trees actually thrive in rocky environments and the acid produced from their needle decay actually breaks down the rocks to release their minerals.

this recipe, and I'll eventually share my own version. I found that if I add just salt to the eggs and leave the batter plain, I could dip the crispy eggs into syrup, cream, vinegar, chocolate sauce, hot sauce, or hollandaise sauce (which uses yet more eggs).I need egg recipes! Yesterday, I got forty eggs! I can't give them away fast enough, and I don't always feel like making soufflés. @frianz13 gave me some ideas, as I modified

40! Yeowza! Um, whenever I have a surplus of eggs I make custard or ice cream, as it uses tons of eggs and is pretty tasty. The crispy eggs recipe looks divine and I can't wait to see your spin on it!

I'll try to think of other egg recipes for ya, but right now I am slightly concussed and my head hurts lol!


Why is the pallet named Bruce?

You got me! I had to go back and make sure that I spelled pullet instead of pallet because with the state of my injured brain I wasn't sure even after proofreading my post two times before I posted it lol lol!

Bruce is her name because when she was a tiny baby chick she stomped around in a rage like Bruce Banner, AKA The Hulk. The name stuck, as did her demeanor.

Hope you are having a lovely day!


It really sounds you have had a extremely busy week. Now you have me wondering about the concussion you're talking about. But your homestead is not only going to be loved by the bees. It'll be a festive flower explosion that photographers (hint) would also love to "bee". Lol ...

It has been more crazy than usual, and getting cracked in the head by a fish bowl half full of dice didn't help. Sigh. lol!

I used to keep hives, I miss them dearly and will probably bring a few home again to enjoy all the flowers. Then we would have a great excuse for a photography field trip for photographers to come partake in😊

Hope you are having a most excellent day!



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Hiiiiii I am @flemingfarm's wife and finally on here. Love your post, and Bruce does need some guidance. Also. Get a hot tub. "It is a moral imperative." (Quote from Real Genius. And from me now. Lol. 🤣)

I am fascinated by your tradition of burning in the spring. I grew up in rural ND and our tradition was offset, it was fall when we burned and it was to reduce the impact of snowdrifts on the rural gravel addition to "snow fences" which sometimes were pallets mounted 50-100ft from the road to act like windbreaks for the snow.

I also grew up with well established holly hocks. Do you make the flower ladies from them too? If you have no idea what I'm talking about them I will have to show you...someday...when my hollyhocks planted last year hopefully take off. 😳

Hi @stryeyz!!! I am so excited you are here!

The Real Genius line ended me, as did the acquire a hot tub admonition, I have desired such a carcass soaking device for years! I even had one when I lived on my Sister-in-law's ranch and it was balm for my guided horse tour giving soul lol!

I'd love to burn in the fall (and sometimes do), but our weather pattern has been so finicky for the last few years that I haven't been able too. We went from 84F to snow cover in two weeks time last year. No season change or fall moisture in the form of rain meant no fall burning for me. Thankfully spring is almost always damp lol!

I have a friend who lives in ND and that land is hardcore! Sometimes he will call me and it will be like -45 and windy....BRRR! I think I will deal with the pine needles lol lol!

So glad to hear from ya! Hope you had a great weekend😊


I'm pretty much a newb so so figuring things out. My "last post" is from the old Steem days 5ish years ago for Super 8 Ball Club... Wonder what happened to that game 🤣

Yes, ND, the frozen tundra. I moved away 3 days after high school graduation, Jon whisked me away to CA where it was much warmer. Turned out that SoCal was far too hot for me in summer so we didn't stay in that area for long. Spokane area really does work well for both of us.