The Flicker Haven Farm Files-The Fast And Fall Furious!

in Homesteadinglast year (edited)


Flicker Haven Farm Files page divider.png

That's right! If you had been present on the homestead today you would have witnessed me execute a righteous North Idaho Wheelbarrow Drift as I frenzied around completing fall homestead chores. If you were a teenager you probably would have nodded your head and uttered, bruh.

In other words, today has been a very busy day. I started off the day spending a couple of hours harvesting shrubbery, spray painting some of it, and crafting a very interesting, somewhat gothic-themed wreath for a friend's birthday. Once the finishing touches are added I will post a picture of it!


After wreathmaking, I then shifted gears into seed harvesting and cut and filled my giant wheelbarrow with sunflower heads. After snipping over a hundred pounds of them, I rolled my barrow over to the greenhouse and placed all the heads on the shelving inside said greenhouse for a good curing. There is going to be so many sunflowers next year!

Hmm. I have ended two paragraphs in a row in exclamation points. I am probably going to be smote for such a grievance, but I am kinda excited about those last two points, and it is my blog so I can do what I want. The points stay!

Thought-wandering ramble aside, I then moved on to garlic retrieval. This year's garlic crop has been hanging in my barn since July, and as it is time to plant garlic in our neck of the woods, I needed to get it down, cut off the roots and dried scapes, and bring it to the house for the whole break it down into cloves for seeding purposes part of things. That job was actually pretty pleasant because I got to talk to my mom while doing it. Hi MA!


Sorry about the horrid pic, the blue dude didn't hold still for long.

Before continuing on in this missive, I have to note a very historic thing that has occurred here on the place. Yesterday, I heard a bird screeching that sounded nothing like any creature who dwells in these parts. But what was interesting is that I have heard the call before, as a child in Wester Washington, blue jays were pretty common sight. Imagine my shock when a gigantic jay flew over my head and landed in a fir tree next to me, squawking most indignantly. In the entire two plus decades we have lived on our farm, I have never seen a blue jay here. A peculiar happening indeed...


Moving on, after garlic-time, I proceeding on to tomato work. A bunch of tomatoes decided to get all ripe at once, so I slipped their skins, cut them up, and am currently simmering them before milling them and canning the resulting sauce.

Speaking of which, I better get on to that chore, because it's that time of year, and I still have a few chorin laps left in my slightly energy-depleted carcass!

And yes, I used yet another exclamation point. You're welcome!!!!

Flicker Haven Farm Files page divider.png

And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's tomato sauce patina en-coated iPhone. The text divider image was made in Canva.


Uh-oh, I bet I have ripe tomatoes under my bed! I've been too busy to check.

Way to go, sounds like you’re having a good harvest!
This year I grew sunflowers in our little urban garden, and there will be many more next year!
Use all the exclamation points you want! They’re there to indicate excitement, so go nuts!!

What kind of whale plays music?
An Orcastra

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of thebalanceguy



@generikat, I sent you an

Aren’t sunflowers there most fun? Almost as much fun as exclamation points! 😆

Hope you are having a great week!


I think you know how to take care of plants very well and you are doing justice to that. That's amazing and I can see your harvests are cool
Nice one!

Aww, you leave the sweetest comments😊 Thank you!

Hope you are having an amazing day!


I think gardening sometimes requires all the exclmation marks!
If anything speaks a dying summer, it's wilting sunflowers!

I so agree with you about gardening and exclamation marks, they go together like peas and carrots lol!

We’ve been spoiled with an extra mild, long fall so far, so I have sunflowers that are just now blooming along with the fading gold, it’s just beautiful out! Isn’t it spring down your way? Bet that’s beautiful too😊


Oh dear! That's right, I was supposed to plant my garlic last week. Sigh... Well, as it stands right now, there's absolutely nowhere to plant it as no veg gardens have been cleaned out. Starting tomorrow though...

I hope Operation Garlic is progressing nicely, my hope is to be done with ours by the end of the week.



$PIZZA slices delivered:
generikat tipped thebalanceguy
generikat tipped rafzat
generikat tipped riverflows @generikat tipped @goldenoakfarm