Monday the forecast had been for rain starting at 4AM and going through most of the day. It was warm and muggy, but no rain when I got up. If I’d known it wouldn’t rain until 10AM, I would have gone out and gotten more done in the Herb garden.
But alas, I had set it up for my backup helper to come and we planned to work in the cellar. So that’s what we did.
The first job was to sort the 3 bags of rags and put them neatly in the cabinets. Once they were in, I’d know how many cabinets were left to hold fishing gear. The plan was to try to empty the area designated “freezer room”.
There were a lot of cardboard boxes and tackle boxes full of fishing gear. We were able to condense it all down to 3 tackle boxes and fit nearly all of it in this cabinet. The rod blanks went over by the bulkhead door, and the huge bucket of cod jigs went right below the rags cabinet.
What was left was the 2 big pieces of equipment for putting sheetrock on ceilings, 2 huge pressure cookers in their boxes, and flooring. Until the woodshed addition is done, I won’t have a place to move these things. So no freezers will move until autumn. I’d also like to get the sheetrock up on the ceiling and walls in this room before moving the freezers in.
I had offered my extra vegetable seedlings on BuyNothing and as I would go over to the cold frame as each person came for some, I noticed that a good many of the squash, etc plants in the Small garden now had flowers on them.
This is the Good Egg Godiva pumpkin.
Right next to the pumpkin hill, the daylilies have the 1st flower open.
In the New East garden, the species spiderwort has lots of flowers. I still haven’t been able to catch the shade of deep navy blue that they really have.
In the Big garden the first pea flowers have opened. The comfrey is obviously unhappy with the pea fence slowing its bid for world domination.
The hollyhocks in the Big garden are a pale shade of peach.
Here’s a closer photo of them.
Also in the Big garden, the Big quince has some nice looking fruit.
The Anne raspberries have fruit on them now.
In the rose garden, the climber rose is flowering well.
On Tuesday I plan to get Row 4 cleaned out. This means the walkway and ½ of Row 5 also. There’s peppermint half way down, so we’ll see how far I get. I also have to finish the small amount of mulching left on Row 3.