Happy Holidays, homesteaders, whatever it is that you've been celebrating! Almost every culture through history has had some sort of Winter festival, and here in the Homesteading Community we're celebrating with a contest! There are still a day left to get in your entries, so if you've ever pulled a weed, you may want to check it out!
Winter chores and Holiday visits have taken over much of my time the last few weeks, and it seems that the same was true for many of you. This edition of the Highlights will be a little thinner than previous ones, but still full of great glimpses into the lives of our fellow farmers.
Without any further ado, let's take a look at some of the best posts in the Homesteading Community over the last 3 weeks...
Building, maintenance, and repair
@industriousliv took us on the beginning of a journey to find their dream homesteading property. I wanted to share this post because we do not often see the very start of people's homesteading journeys very often, and I'm hoping this recognition will encourage them to share more of that journey with us.
@anomadsoul favors us with another small upgrade to his quail habitat. The post includes links to the other posts he's shared in this quail raising journey, and I highly recommend giving them all a look.
Finishing strong in the building category, @seunny shares a very ambitious water tower project with us, which can be seen in the photo above. I find these kinds of builds inspirational, and want to congratulate him and his family on a job well done!
@roronoa46 showed us several pictures of a large catfish farm he visited, as he contemplates entering the business.
@akmalshakir gives us a very detailed look at raising a small flock of mixed goats and sheep, which can be seen at the top of this section.
Planting and Growing
@jasonmunapasee favored us once again with some beautiful pictures of the plants around his place. The photo above shows some of his papaya seedlings.
@iwansyuhada shared some fantastic photos of a favored banana tree that has begun bearing fruit:
Harvest, Cooking, and Storage
@monica-ene shared with us some details of a very labor intensive rice harvest, shown in progress in the photo above.
@peterale talks business in this post about a subject that should have been part of this section title: selling!
Thanks for waiting for this very late edition of Homesteading Community Highlights, which I should have finished and published days ago. I don't have a good excuse... I've just been taking a little relaxation time. Moving forward, I'm thinking of narrowing the Highlights posts down to just 1 great post in each category, and sharing rewards with those chosen authors again. Let me know what you think!
That's all for this edition, I'll remind you as always that if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, I'm happy to address them in the comments below. Thank you all for reading, posting, voting, and engaging in our Homesteading Community!

Wow it's great that we are getting all kinds of stuff related to homesteading. I am happy that I have also contributed to this. Soon more is coming from me.
Am glad my content could get recognized. Thanks