How I produced a drink from the harvest of my coconut.

in Homesteading4 days ago

Coconut is a cash crop that is grown by majorly the southerners. This cash crop can take fifteen years or more to mature and start producing fruits. Yes it is called fruit because despite it being a nut it's a fruit. Getting a good seedling to plant is really a challenge. How? Where it is because when a good specie is not gotten it might end up not bearing fruit and the energy and time used to select, plant and taking care of it a waste.

This specie of mine was carefully selected and it's production that earlier before it was eleven. Remember that coconut can be processed to get coconut, coconut milk which can be used to prepare a meal known as coconut rice. It's awesome how this product that didn't go through much processing is effective.

On this day another harvest of it was made. Which made this my harvest relevant to me. Thinking why this harvest is relevant? The reason is very simple, from this harvest i made an amazing drink called Tiger Nut, this drink is popular and some people know it as kunu aya. To make this drink the ingredients is strictly on choice, i said this because some people might want to twist it making use of some other ingredients that i didn't make use of here

My ingredients

  • coconut
  • tiger nut
  • dates

The above items were my choice of ingredients and i gave me what i actually wanted. The tiger nut was amazing. If you haven't tested try and have a taste in as much as it's healthy much ingredients isn't needed.

The production of this product was done in a moment of happiness. Having a harvest of this coconut moved this production to take place.

Coconut 🥥 farming is a lucrative farming since this product is a world wide product.