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RE: Summer on the farm

in Homesteadinglast year

It hasn't rained here for a long time, man. I think it's been a month. Maybe more. Normally in my village it used to rain once a week in the summer. This is strange.

You got a great shot of the butterfly, man.

The spinach looks like it's growing pretty well too. I'm sure you'll make some great dishes, bon appetit.

Working in this heat makes you sweat, no matter how much you are in an air-conditioned environment, the heat burns you as soon as you go outside lol. As you said you have made amazing progress in the last few months, I hope you can keep it up. Hope you finish all your work by next year.


Wow a month, that would be too long here. When I used to live in the desert it would be many weeks so I know that feeling. Hope you get some rain soon.

Thanks bud, yeah I said to myself "that butterfly is gonna fly away as soon as I get close" luckily it hung out long enough for me to get a picture.

Sure does, cannot stay in the AC long enough sometimes to stop sweating before I need to get back to work. Hah I hope I will finish all these projects by next year, but I think I will have all new ones to conquer once these are done.