Adventures In Homesteading (Day 189)

in Homesteading4 months ago

Hello Everyone!

A buggered writing schedule, Some chilly weather, Water storage & More hiking less mental nudging!

Alright, this entry is not going to write itself... and although I am not fully back on track with the writing schedule... at least I am not two days behind as was the case yesterday. It would always be so much easier to simply focus when my 'ideal timing' for it all rolls around each day... but the last few days (and during this entire journey) that has been tricky.

The ongoing cold snap has kept me hunkered down by and large. All day it never got more than five degrees above freezing... which actually surprised me considering how warm inside the tent that it has been remaining... now that I can ration the propane less.

So far the water systems and storage containers seem to be handling the freezes okay... but if things do not warm up soon then I am going to take some extra steps to keep anything from breaking. For the most part, I think that the barrel in the big hole will keep holding up well against the weather... but the other stored rainwater... needs to be protected better or transferred to other containers.

Anyways, all that talk that I did about hiking did not amount to much... and although I almost convinced myself to go hiking before sunset... I never did it. Perhaps if that mental nudge keeps persisting... I will start doing it each day... because I sure need to be 'getting up and about' more than I am.

Well, this is a short entry... and yup the polyethylene was a wise choice for keeping the dodgy tent warm. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

Beech tree!

Thanks for reading!

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Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!


So glad to hear your tent is staying warm.