Hello Everyone!
Still behind schedule, Gotta figure it out eventually, Warmer weather & Shelter thoughts!
Alright, I am running behind schedule again... and yup it is the same amount of time that I have been doing it for the last few days in a row... so perhaps I should aim for it being my new start time. Considering that the last time that I nudged my writing schedule around that it backfired... I am going to give it a few more days and see what happens before making any changes.
It was another chilly night but the day warmed up nicely... and this evening it is not even going to be getting below freezing. If nothing else in this scenario at least I have managed to stay warm during all the chilly nights... and am not feeling overly concerned about the cold weather.
Anyways, I was not very productive today... aside from working on some coding projects and doing the bare minimum of what I could do with relief work. There was even a good two hour window where I kept telling myself to go hiking... but alas I remained zoned out on the computer instead.
In other news, I have been trying to get it together enough to figure out what my next step is here... since it looks like I am stuck here for the foreseeable future. Even though I am still hoping to get a big military tent... I have also been considering building something more permanent.
There is still only the one or two 'okay' spots to have a long-term shelter... but they are both just as exposed as the other areas are here. I still cannot see how to create any actual privacy at the place without either building in the gulches... or building something underground.
For the immediate future I think that the bigger (and sturdier) tent setup will work super well... and might get me through the winter in a more comfortable setting. If I am super lucky there will be enough room inside of it that I will be able to build a small shelter... that does not need all the exterior materials to make it weatherproof.
Well, I think that is all the words that I have in me for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

I hope you can get the tent soon.