Hello Everyone!
A near miss with a storm, Way too windy for hiking, Potato planting, Corn germinating & Lots of chilly weather!
Alright, it has been a few days since the wild weather blew through the area... and I am quite thankful that I was spared the brunt of it. There was plenty of high winds and a good bit of rain... but overall it stayed rather warm outside (during the actual storm) which made the experience odd to say the least.
The cold weather moved in right after the storm blew through... and the wind was blowing so strong (the following day) that I chose not to hike around the place looking for fallen trees. I was going to try to do that same kind of hiking today... but it wound up be so breezy and chilly that I hunkered down indoors instead.
I briefly considered playing some music at my little coffee bar... but decided to forgo that activity and listened to it on an old phone. It is never quite the same listening to the music at low volume like that... yet it was enjoyable nonetheless.
Anyways, out of all the potatoes that I saved only one seems to have any 'eyes' or even roots after months of sitting in the dark. Per usual I planted a potato and even brought the pot indoors given that it is going to get below freezing again this evening.
For what it is worth, I also found a partial corn cob (that has something close to a hundred kernels on it) while I was tidying up inside the tent the other day. Today, I flaked off about a dozen of the kernels, wrapped them in moist tissue paper... and placed them inside a plastic bag to see if they will germinate.
All that I really need is for a handful of the corn to be successful... and I can grow enough of it early in the year... to use as seed for the second grow cycle later in the year. Since winter is still holding on here... I may wind up having a bunch of corn growing in pots until I can safely plant them outdoors in a sunny spot.
Well, I think that is about it for this entry other than that I am glad for the coming springtime... and seeing what all that I can get done to improve my little farm. On that note, I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

Spring can not come fast enough for my heart to feel better for you.