Hello Everyone!
Peculiar dreams, Boot repair, Bringing the water system online, Taking a sitz bath & A long walk!
Alright, I am running about thirty minutes behind schedule... and although I am not really in the mood to do any writing... it is assuredly better to give it my best and see what happens... than not to try at all. For what it is worth I did try to be on time... but one frigging thing after another (that needed done) kept eating up my time and pushing my schedule back.
Last night I had a heck of a time getting to sleep... and wound up alternately tossing and turning... getting back up... and watching some movies until I finally drifted off to sleep for a final time. Part of that was because I took a late day nap yesterday... and part of it was due to having all too much stuff on my mind... that more or less amounted to things that stress me out and/or are causing me some kind of anxiety.
Anyways, once I did fall asleep I at least slept well even though I had some rather bizarre dreams... that revolved around a bunch of weird encounters with people during a post-apocalyptic scenario. It was not quite as stressful (nor as violent) as some of those dreams tend to be... but there was a good amount of folks pushing the boundaries to see what they could get away with... and other folks of course putting them in check over their (often juvenile) behaviors.
When I finally woke up it was well past sunrise... and although I did my best to do my Hive engagement routine... I think that I only made a single comment before losing interest in it altogether. That particular routine is really hit or miss for me of late... but I do value the bulk of the engagement... and have even begun looking forward to doing it each day.
Once I was done with all that jazz... I went ahead and did another quick repair on my Muck boots with some of that (zip system) flashing tape... because the patch that I did the last time had worn out on one of the boots about two weeks ago. That flashing tape seems to hold up rather well for a short term fix... but whoa I really need to either order a very large quantity of barge cement (to do a proper fix) or try to get a few hundred bucks together and order some new boots.
With the boots fixed, I hiked over to the well to bring the water system back online... and while doing it I whacked my hand on the edge of the breaker panel and gashed one of my knuckles open. I have been using the main breaker to turn the system on and off (ever since I got shocked by the breaker for the well) and the main breaker takes a good bit of force to 'throw' it... and I just did not have a good enough grip on it... and admittedly used more force than what was needed.
I then did all the usual hiking around to close all the open spigots and purge the air from the lines... before finally backtracking and bringing the water heater back online so that I would have hot water. In general, I space the baths out a good bit more... but my damned hemorrhoids were bothering me... and I really needed to take a 'sitz bath' since I did not want to take a nap to 'cure' the inflammation like I usually do.
Long story short there, I got the pump from the solar shack, got a bunch of laundry out the tub (that I had soaking in it) and got all the water pumped out in short order. I once again did not have it in me to scrub the tub out... so I did the same thing that I did last time... and sprayed it out the best that I could with one of the water hoses that have a high pressure nozzle on it... before filling it about halfway with hot water.
The bath was really nice this time because the temperature outside has warmed up considerably... and there was not much of a breeze... but honestly I only soaked in it long enough to scrub myself down... and get the inflammation under control. I was so intent on 'just getting in the tub' that I even forgot to bring a towel with me... which of course resulted in the inside of my shoes getting damp after putting them back on and heading for the cabin.
I was really feeling quite relieved at that point... but I almost had a frigging meltdown when halfway through the process of drying off... I noticed a massive tear in the new bug-proof mattress cover. It was hard not to be mad at the dog that did it because I should have covered it better before leaving to bring the water system back online and getting a bath.
Honestly, her habit of pawing at the linens where I tend to sit on the bed... and rolling around in that spot had completely slipped my mind. She does not do it to be destructive or anything... but she occasionally gets some mild separation anxiety... and I guess that it is her way of 'being close to me' when I am gone.
So, I was absolutely correct in my thinking that I needed to cover the chintzy mattress cover with canvas (or something similar) given how low quality it is! Now though... I need to sew the rip up... and I guess find some fabric tape to create a proper seal afterwards... which yeah is about as exciting as 'a fart in church' as the saying goes!
After I got all dried off I was so frigging over everything to do with the cabin (and this property in general) I just had to get the fuck away from it all... so I got dressed, grabbed my backpack and set out on a hike to a nearby store. I was hoping to get a few food items... but all that I wound up buying was a couple of loaves of bread (that cost way too much) and a couple of coffee drinks as a treat for myself.
The hike was overall a rather nice one... and as with every time that I have done that long walk... I waved at all the cars that went by and did my best to both enjoy the scenery, not get hit by any vehicles... and not slip or slide on the marginal shoulder of the road that is more uneven terrain than actual shoulder. Oddly enough, this time the majority of the folks even waved back... and I even got a horn honk from one person... which was quite different than all my other hikes where I did the same thing.
Generally speaking, on past walks I have found my friendly waving... either met by scowls or suspicious stares... so either I got really lucky on this hike with the people I saw... or people really are 'looking for friendliness' in an increasingly hostile/suspicious culture. I know it is hard for most folks to understand it... but whoa this country is so frigging bonkers at this point... that I do not even want to attempt describing my take on things!
Well, on that note... that is all the words that I have in me for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well... and treating others the way that they themselves want to be treated. Ta ta for now.

Aw! It is both sad and sweet that your dog paws at the spot where you sit. Too bad it caused damage though. I guess my cats do something similar by falling asleep in my laundry basket or hiding out from strangers in one of our closets. Pets are funny in their comfort habits.
Yeah, I had similar feelings! When I came inside I was wondering why she was under the bed and when I pointed at the rip she went even further under it. I think that what happened is that one of her toenails got hung in it and the rip happened when she tried to free herself... then knowing that was a 'big no no' she got under the bed. Of course I did not have it in me to be mad at her over it all but whoa I was mad at myself for forgetting that she would do that.
Keep your head up awesome being able to support your content!
Have a great day!
Thanks and you too!
Sounds like a busy day! I'm quite impressed with your ability to stick to a daily posting and engagement schedule. I wish I would start doing a little better at that. Keep them coming! I have enjoyed reading them!!
It was a busy day indeed and I did not even mention the chores that I got done!
The current schedule was tricky to get established! Although I have tried numerous different ones over the previous seven years... the current one seems to be working the best out of all of them.
Glad that you enjoy the writing!
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