Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1190)

Hello Everyone!

A chilly day, Engagement helps, More aimless hiking & Finding a path ahead in life!

Alright, I am running about an hour and three minutes behind schedule with my writing routine... but I did however sit down to begin things on time. Bear with me because I will assuredly spell out why that is the case in a bit... but for now suffice it to say that I got distracted looking at land.

I once again had a heck of a time falling asleep last night... but eventually I managed to drift off... and although my dreams were rather bizarre they were not super stressful or anything. It was perhaps not the deepest rest... but it sure was better than plenty of the nights that I have had recently... and I even wound up sleeping in for a few hours after sunrise to boot.

Anyways, this morning I did not quite have the energy to get outdoors immediately like I was thinking of doing... but I did manage to do my Hive engagement routine. It is worth noting that I am glad that I made that a habit... because much of the commentary has assuredly been buoying my morale... which was already suffering long before the recent challenges that I have been facing.

Eventually I managed to get bundled up in some warm clothes and get outside... but once again all that I accomplished was doing my routine chores. I did briefly tinker with the idea of stuffing more items into the trash (to be hauled away) but then I realized that tomorrow is a holiday... and the trash pickup would not be running.

Honestly, that one small realization was all that it took to deter me from working on packing things down... or doing anything else for that matter! What I wound up doing instead was aimlessly hiking around... much like I have done on several occasions recently in an effort to clear my mind.

I am unsure exactly when I got into the habit of doing that when I get overly stressed... but I am absolutely glad that it became one of my coping mechanisms. Lately it seems to be just about the only thing that 'does the trick' (besides napping) and I think that the lack of a destination (or even a direction) seems to make the walks even more effective in that regard.

During today's hiking (I went several times so I do not know on which hike that it was) I wound up hiking near that abandoned railroad... and kept trying to picture myself 'squatting' there (like I have mentioned before) as one of my contingency plans in case I became homeless. Not to get too lost on that subject... but whoa am I glad that I did not do it given how rugged the terrain is... and just how messed up of a situation it would have put me in.

At some point very late in the day I got a message from an old buddy of mine... and I gotta admit I was (and still am) rather floored by the offer that they made me. It is also why I was running late on my start time for writing and was instead looking at inexpensive land.

My brain is still sort of 'zinging' from all the possibilities that the offer presents in regards to changing my life... and especially so in regards to my long-term (and short-term) housing scenario. I do not want to spell too much of it out here... but in short 'a way out of my current scenario' has presented itself... and I am just going to run with it.

Although I will be moving back to the mountains again (which is not something I was wanting to do) the offer is just too good to pass on... given that the land itself will more or less be in my own name via a trust. I also will not be in another caretaking position with it... so that in and of itself is rather exciting considering how burned out that I am at this point with doing that particular role.

None of it is going to be super 'over planned' or anything... and the entire affair of moving several states away, getting the land, developing it and all that jazz will be a rather 'rapid fire' experience. Generally speaking, I try not to rush into anything (unless I am forced to) and enjoy being meticulous with planning and such... but this time I just have to roll with it all and see what unfolds.

Of course it will be difficult at first (as things get setup) but by the end of it I should have a large insulated building to live in if the land will accommodate one, grid power, clean water, a septic system, high speed internet and wait for it... a fucking washing machine and dryer! I swear that the real clincher for me is the idea of not having to hand wash all my laundry... and everything else is merely fluff!

Not to 'put the cart before the horse' or anything... but it is really hard not to burst into some manic (and caffeine) fueled frenzy to pack everything down here as rapidly as I can... just to end this sad fucking saga. I am still undecided on whether I will begin a new daily series once I move... or if I will continue this one. That said though I will assuredly keep documenting my journey one way or another... and of course keep working on this series for the remainder of my time at my current location.

Well, on that note... I need to wrap this entry up and go back to looking at cheap land in unrestricted rural areas! I hope that everyone is doing well and thanks for the well wishes because apparently they worked. Ta ta for now.

It was a pretty sunset!

Thanks for reading!

Please check out the Homesteading Community!

Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!


Congrats on the good news for you! And this:

I need to wrap this entry up and go back to looking at cheap land in unrestricted rural areas!

And here's to even more unrestricted good fortune to you in your new venture. :)

Yay! Some good news at least! Glad things are possibly looking up again. 😁

Yep! Finally some good news. Been a roller coaster lately. Now I am super manic though and a wee bit too excited to fall asleep. I did narrow it down to a few properties though after looking at land for sale... for nearly the last five hours. Always tricky buying mountain property from just pictures... because the realtors do their best to make steep land look flat! 😜

I can imagine! But I'd always rather have tricky and complicated over depressing and hopeless. 😅🤘🏹
Hope you manage to find a decent one soon.
Haha salespeople of all kinds tend to be on the sneaky side, from what I've experienced at least...

Haha! I would also! Depressing and hopeless is dull as hell.

Yeah, I was up super late looking at them and then barely managed to fall asleep before dawn... but I think I narrowed it down.

Some of those places (with pictures to make them look flatter than they are) also happened to be partially in a floodplain! The info is there if I dig for it but it seems like just making it clear would be easier. 🤠☕🏹

Sounds like even now you are coming up with a bit of a plan to make it work. Pretty awesome when you know how to do stuff and things! 🙌😁🏹🏹

Yeah my gears are definitely turning on it all. The skills are awesome to have and I am glad that I spent so much of my life acquiring them. With the scenario I am possibly going into they will also make building my 'forever home' a good bit cheaper also. Part of me is going to miss roughing it and another part is like: Fucking finally! 😂🏹🤠

When you miss it.... just remember.... washing machine!! 🙌🥳🥳🤩
Finally getting to build that home would definitely be ideal, hell of a lot of work probably, but definitely worth it, especially if you have the skills to do it yourself.
After buying this house.... I've gained a new appreciation for the skills needed just to fix things up....

I have the biggest smile on my face, I burst out with Hell Yeah!!! My mind is blown, I am so happy for you. PLEASE tell this person I said they are a true Angel and they will be Blessed for this. OMG, I am so happy for you.

I knew you would enjoy seeing that. Will do. I helped them out a lot in the past so it is really things coming around full circle but yeah they are a really good person.

I flew over cloud 9, still flying.

Ha! It took me until a few hours before dawn to fall asleep last night because I was so excited and relieved. Still a lot of things to work out and have yet to settle on what land to get but things are in motion. They are even going to help me move which was a big worry of mine given how much gear and animals that I have. I am going to miss the woods and in moving will be locking myself into a ten plus year job commitment at their farm but it will be worth it.

I would say, it is worth it. I know you will do your best to help them with their farm for a place to live.

I have worked for them before so that part is a given. It will be fun actually so that helps... tremendously!

I wish the frame was not broken on my truck, I would try to get Kat and we would help you move.

Nah. We got it covered. One big U-haul truck and a few extra hands.

You just keep giving me good news, I feel so much lighter. :)

It was good news to me also! Such a massive amount of anxiety taken off my mind.