Hello Everyone!
Another rainy day, Packing down stuff in the cabin, Charging all the two way radios, Missing my cluttered desk & So many backup plans!
Alright, I am beginning my writing routine thirty minutes early this evening... which basically means that I am right on time according to my old timing before I moved it back by thirty minutes. I guess that I have still not gotten all that accustomed to beginning so late... because each day I still feel a bit concerned that I am running behind schedule.
I was up pretty late again last night... but somehow managed to drift off to sleep around the same time that I did the night before. It is really surprising that I was able to fall asleep when I did given that I had spent the entire day cooped up indoors... and had not gotten much physical activity to wear me out.
Per usual I awoke early in the day and dove straight into my Hive engagement routine... but overall I did not spend all that much time on it. I really should try to start reading more folks stuff... but for the most part I have just been scanning for a few of my favorite creators... and if I do not see anything by them I tend to lose interest.
Anyways, it was raining again today so I decided to finally begin packing down as much stuff as I can inside the cabin. Since I had an empty cooler (that had previously held a bunch of electronics stuff that I scrapped) I decided to use it to pack all my medical and first aid stuff for me and the dogs into.
The reason that I chose the cooler to put all that stuff into is because I wanted something that could keep the bugs out, would seal up tightly... and of course be waterproof since I will be living in a tent again. I also took great care to put everything that I could that might leak into its own seal-able bag... so that in case there is any kind of leak it will not make a mess of things.
My next project was way more involving because it required going through everything on my desk and (shudder) cleaning it all up, packing what I could away... and grouping the remainder of it together in an organized manner. As a side note here... I really dislike having a 'clean desk' and prefer it to be cluttered... but not in a way that I cannot find what I am looking for!
Since all my two-way radios (along with their chargers) were on my desk I went ahead and got them all cleaned up... and put a good charge on them in case we wind up needing them during the move. I even went ahead and devoted a (I dunno the technical name for it) 'small hard cased piece of luggage' to store it all in including the shoulder mics and earpieces.
There were a bunch of other things that I packed down today as well... and I even went through several boxes that I had haphazardly packed well over a year ago. As far as that stuff goes... I was happy to find that I could consolidate much of it down to just a few boxes... and throw the rest of it away because it was just smaller empty boxes... or leftover packaging from stuff that I had bought online.
Overall it was a rather productive day and I even heard back from that fella that was going to look at maybe putting in a driveway for me. Early this morning I had sent him a text... and heard back from him later that (as I had suspected) with all the severe weather in that region... he had gotten swamped with work and had not been able to make it out there.
I still have a lot of misgivings about being able to get the driveway in... and being able to get a shed delivered on time (if I can find one) but at this point I dunno what else to do except to focus on having a solid backup plan... or multiple backup plans. Recently, I keep contemplating just getting one of those chintzy all metal sheds dropped off by the building supply company... and putting it together myself in the first few days that I am there.
Well, I think that is all the words that I have in me for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well and all that feel good jazz. Ta ta for now.

A shed is a pretty easy build if you can get the materials out there. you can get one together in a day if everything is there. i havent read enough to know your climate but if it's deserty like here, where it gets crazy hot in the summer... I would strongly suggest not getting a metal one, they turn into ovens. its like 150 degrees or more in mine in the summer, even with the whole front open. When i can i'm replacing it with just stick built. mine would seriously work better as a huge dehydrator lol
A driveway is a big deal. I'm rooting for you to get that put in. We have been working on ours for 5 years now by hand lol.
Good to know about the heat factor with those metal sheds. I will be in the Great Smoky Mountains so lots of humidity which is why I cannot use tents for an extended period of time unless I want a bunch of mold. The shed is super high priority (whether I build it or order one) not only because of the mold but because the county I am moving to has a very high crime rate. Nothing like methnecks and pillbillies to motivate a fella to create secure storage!
sorry for the late reply but man, talk about methnecks...
out here they will straight up try to steal your property if you leave it. not kidding. they will move in. I literally cannot leave my property for a week or more.
They raid properties out here bad also. will show up with a truck middle of the night and take everything of value from prop after prop. i just found out recently that there is a new band of them that roll 6 deep armed and just put property owners at gun point and take all their shit mid day.
Some of the local boys just shoot them. We have a sniper in the valley on standby.
I normally like a really lawless area, got more than i bargained for with this place though lol
Whoa! I can only imagine how tense (and intense) that is! I was looking at moving out to a desert area a while back and while I also prefer slightly lawless areas... the stuff going on seemed like it would keep me on guard way too much.
It's pretty fucked up out here man
I am in the process of moving house myself, for the 5th time in the last 3.5 years.
Compared to yours, it's a piece of cake though. I have become pretty minimalist due to moving house so often and am moving to 10 minutes walking distance from my previous place. It's a pretty cool, off-grid place though, an upgrade from my previous off-grid house.
Best of luck with your next couple of steps. You can do it!