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RE: Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1154)

@evernoticethat Ha! I drifted off to sleep just before you posted this.

Congrats on your seven years when it arrives. I had started 'sharing my life' about a year or so before I discovered blockchain blogging and went back (after the fact) and posted everything that I had made beforehand to the chain in an effort to preserve it.

I like the idea that it will all be around long after I am gone as well... and often think of the Github archive (it is the entirety of Github) stored in the arctic which hopefully includes everything on this blockchain.

Occasionally I think of going out west also but I really love the east coast and particularly the south east. I think that all too many of the 'great minds' fled to the west coast during the beatnik era and we were poorer culturally for it.

Yeah, that last line is one I am fond of as well and have done several variations on it over the years. It generally fucks with people who love to think that someone is in control of the planet.