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RE: Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1176)

in Homesteadinglast year (edited)

Yeah, those coyotes in the videos were I think a bit pissed that I took over their den by moving into that shack. I do not show it in the videos but when I first got there the big room was full of trash and in the center of it they had created a big bowl shape from bedding down in there. It took me a while to figure it all out but eventually I did!

I agree and think the foxes leave the chickens alone because they are clever enough to know it would be a bad idea. 🤠☕👻


😅 I would have been more than a little bit worried about them trying to come and attack me or something. 😶

Animals are awesome! Clever little buggers 🥰

Ha! Well, I was worried about them getting one of the dogs but I do not think that I was ever really worried about them attacking me. It just is not their style. I was also way more concerned about the two legged critters!

Yes they are! 🤠