Behind the Scenes of My First Rice Harvest: Tools, Techniques, and Teamwork

in Homesteading3 months ago


After months of nurturing, learning and monitoring the growth stages of rice farming I am now at the completion stage with so much hard work going into this I can finally breathe a little sigh of relief with harvesting now moving full throttle I am so happy for how far things have come even if it had not been so smooth as I would love things to have been but still stepping my foot into my farm to start this work and ending this work myself in the end, is enough success on its own.


All the swampy rice farmlands are hard as rock completely dried up and rice that has not completely matured doesn't have any chance because of the current condition of things and with the way the rain has been this year 😭 you would find a lot of rice farmlands with lots of rice begging for one more rain to mature but that's all for the year.

This year is all about gathering what you can get and at least preparing for the next year saving some of our harvest as seeds for the next year.

Farming can either be rewarding or the other way around but that doesn't mean that you won't get enough to feed on it only means there could be the absence of the word abundance.

Work has started, harvesting won't take long but there's a lot to also learn during that period.

Now is the time to grab my sickle and start cutting my rice.

Thank you for visiting my blog.