How important is rainfall at this particular moment of rice cultivation

in Homesteadinglast year


Mechanized system of farming where irrigation is employed at certain periods to ensure adequate water supply in crops is at the best level needed cannot be as effective as rainfall itself, the inadequacy of rainfall causes crops to show deficiencies that will show the level at which this plants need this water to be supplied to them adequately.

Every crop on the farm needs water though the levels to which it needs it definitely varies from one crop to another and even rice as a specie has two very prominent kinds that are grouped based on how much water they need and the upland rice needs less compared to it's counterpart.



Water is needed all through the period where rice is cultivated and it even needs it more when the rice are starting to produce , during planting the water level within the farm is of great concern so it does not swallow the young seedlings so at that point the water channels are
blocked a little but when it starts growing the water channels are opened to allow water into the farm and at that stage the rice can survive the level of water in it so from this point to harvesting the water level has to be more but during fertilizer application the water channels are blocked to
prevent water from flowing in or out of the farm to prevent the fertilizer from being flooded out of the farm by the water .


When rice starts to produce and have seeds the water supply has to be adequate if not there will be problems of seeds that are not completely mature because it couldn't get the water it needed at the point of maturity so rainfall at this point is very important , but what do we do as farmers if the rain should suddenly stop at that point well we fall back to irrigation as our only viable option although it might be expensive due to the cost of fuel but we have no other option at that point so this duly points out the importance of rainfall that point and also the needed for the alternative option which is irrigation since rainfall can sometimes be unpredictable.



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