Good morning all, I took a walk with my neighbor to the neighborhood I found some incredible plant, how someone could come with a good plan on planting water leaf, I was amazed to see this water leaf grow to the extent, when my neighbor in the next compound started planting water leaf I told him how will he have the strength and patience on planting, is so stressful especially bending down to plant is another stressful moment but now, the water leaf as grown to a way that can put a daily income to your pocket.
I ask the owner how much does he earn every week, when someone cut the water Leaf, I was surprised when he told me, a week he usually earn upto 80,000 I couldn't imagine how he will earn sure amount of money, I was glad when he said the amount of money he earn that made him to build the apartment his living now.
Agriculture is one of the best business you could invest on, agricultural is the main source of income in the world, people who do on agriculture are the one in money now. Invest on agriculture is one of the best investment you could invest in...
I remain Kingsleymark.....
From your mouth to God's ear