Early planting, guarantees early harvest.

in Homesteading3 months ago

Hello dear homesteaders in the house, season greetings to you all.
For the growth of the nation especially when it has to do with agriculture, it's believed that every citizen should till the soil and gather the seed. When it comes to agriculture, I personally do not like taking the last chance and so early this year when it was time to till the soil as it's the customs to clear, burn and prepare on or before the dry season runs out before tilling the soil while we await the first and subsequent rainfall.

So today, I decided to visit my little cassava farmland and so check the level of growth so far since the first wedding during the month of August. Early planting and due wedding help the plants to grow fast and yield a fruitful harvest. The soil nutrients before weeding were being shared among the unwanted plants on the soil not until I decided to do away with them and so the plant sprouted at their space to this level.

So far, on my piece of land, I am proud of having a healthy melon, cucumber and my cassava, though partitioning the farmland was not too easy but I'm glad I made this mixed cropping a success.
I'm glad I have been able to attack the pest that attacked my young crops, I thank my grandma for her intervention on the role she played in helping me to fight away the pest.

Few months from now, I will walk into the farmland again and make my harvest, I pray this year's harvest would be the biggest of its kind, since I have taken time to weed and watch the crops grow in good fate, I'm glad I rendered the weeding services twice and thankfully reaped an abundant and appreciable harvest.

As a farmer, it's essential to share the fruits of your labor. My last harvest was mainly for home consumption I didn't sell everything; instead, I reserved some for my family to enjoy. I processed some cassava into garri and gave my grandmother a portion. She also made her own batch of fufu.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and do well to reach out to me on my next post and through the comments session.
Bye for now meet you in my next post.


I hope you're blessed with a bountiful harvest as well. You put the work in, now it's time for you to reap well. God bless!

Yes I did, I pray for a good harvest

Thanks for stopping by

Hopefully you will get some abundant harvest from these.

Definitely dear friend