Eating Naturally processed foods// how I prepared this Nutrient Rich Soy beans Powder meal using the last of my harvested Soy beans

in Homesteading7 hours ago

Hello Hive

It is one thing to grow your food, but it is an entirely different thing to know how to process your crops into palatable meals.

Today I used the last of my farm-harvested soybeans to prepare this.


It is a nutrient-rich soybeans drink that is so thick, making me call this food instead of a drink. Taking this every morning can keep away hunger for longer hours than ordinary tea or coffee.

* Remember to mix this properly before you feast 🍻😄

The aroma emanating from the meal this morning was such that I find it hard to complete today's fasting. 😄😀 There are some meals that you prepare for breakfast that will naturally make you forget that you are fasting, and you will only remember after you have had a taste of such meals. Well, I let this slide and passed it to my brother to enjoy.

This is the exact same naturally processed food I was fed on as an infant. I would prefer this to the baby foods and cereals sold with expiry dates indicating the preservatives and chemical substances that are present in those cereals that would cause harm to our system when eating.

Selecting the right ingredients to prepare this makes it both healthy and rich as food. While some people like to prepare the mixture of cereals together, I like doing this separately.

To prepare this, you need the following ingredients.

  • Soybeans

  • Corn

  • Millet

  • Sorghum

You can choose to use the combination of all these together or make use of either millet or sorghum as available.

We now need additional:

  • Groundnut

  • Tigernuts

  • Dates as natural sugar

Method of preparation


Two separate ingredients are prepared.

The corn, millet, and sorghum are washed and soaked in water to soften. Before they are blended and properly sieved for preparing our local pap here. These ones are blended wet and used to prepared this thick cooked drink.


To prepare the soybeans powder separately, I added a mixture of the properly cleaned and roasted peanuts (groundnuts) and soybeans to some tiger nuts and dates.

This is blended dry.




After preparing the pad drink and while it is still hot, I then added the mixture of the smoothly blended powder.


And boom, our meal is ready. You may want to eat this with some bean cakes too or a slice of bread, which will be equally fine. Entirely on its own, it is okay as a whole meal.