Planting Roselle, Jute mallow and African Spinach

in Homesteading2 months ago

Hello Hive.

It is finally time to plant some vegetables, and I'm starting with these three. Even though it's dry season here and I'm not familiar with the perfect time for planting the Roselle, I want to still plant some.


I have as many seeds of the Roselle, and since it equally belongs to the vegetable family, I believe that it should be able to thrive well alongside the other veggies.
Unlike the jute mallow and African spinach, which I have just spread the seeds randomly for the Roselle plant, I decide to plant its seeds, putting a few in each hole and giving it as much spacing as possible.


It is often planted like okra rather than like most veggies. We place some seeds per hole and give them some space apart.

Planting African spinach and jute mallow is done following the normal process of spreading the seeds evenly. But before doing any of these, I had wet the vegetable bed enough, as the veggies require a much cooler soil temperature to germinate, and being in this hot and dry season, the soil gets dry and hot excessively.


Wetting of the bed was done before planting and after planting.
Then another round of wetting will be in the evening.


You can see that my Scent leaves plant has dried off completely. I was surprised to see that it didn't survive the harsh weather, and it has been my bad that I realized this a little late. I ought to have been wetting this as soon as the rains started falling so that I could keep them alive.

The scent leaves are often my first remedy against diarrhea, and adding them to my soups and porridge often makes me enjoy the food without fear of any diarrhea challenge.

I may have to search for some curry and scent leaves seedlings to replant them again. Next time I won't suffer myself to lose these important veggies before going in search of where to get seeds to plant and replace them.


There is not much to do after now rather than mark my calendar and continue to wet the bed and hopefully wait for which vegetables germinated first and, most importantly, the Roselle.

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Scent leaves are surely a one way to having a balanced and healthiest diet ever. I rarely eat beans without them. Hopefully you get to remember them next season. I think there’s a way to plant them and make them grow faster too but I’m sure that’s something that you’re better at than I am.


It's good to know that you love those leaves as much as I do. I'm gonna replant them by all means .

Please do.