Hello beautiful people
Aren't gardeners the most beautiful people on earth? We till the soil, dirty our fingers, and do all sorts of dirty work, but the outcome is that there is food for everyone. Watching seeds germinate and grow to produce food for us is a beautiful thing to behold. Life begins from the seeds and equally ends into a seed for continuity. With these, we plant, harvest, and then everything turns into seeds for the next session planting.
So today we would be feeding some people with harvested vegetables even if they have to pay some pennies to purchase them. Not everyone is interested in farming and growing food; some shy away from the hard labor, but I can bet you that everyone is interested in food. Sometimes I wish that more people would have this enthusiasm for farming so that we won't be having limited farmers and scarcity of food.
Technology has made it so easy that you can both combine farming activities with any other job you want to do, and if we can have more farmers, it will translate to more food for everyone.
Yesterday I was at the mini market to purchase some vegetables for food; I realized that they only had African spinach and the Lagos spinach are here.
Fluted pumpkins were nowhere to be found. I was intentionally interested in fluted pumpkins for someone who is just recuperating from a health setback. I was advised to take as much of the fluted pumpkins to boost my blood levels, as I was pale and short on blood (anemia is a common symptom that tags along with a crisis).
Knowing the importance of fluted pumpkins for the fast boosting of our blood levels, I wanted to take as much of it in soup and even make a juice drink of it like we often do locally. We searched the entire market and couldn't find any, then I realized how scarce this is and that not many people have grown fluted pumpkins this season.
It must have been hard to grow some fluted pumpkins in this season; the weather has been really dry, and the scarcity of water has been intense.
The only fluted pumpkins that have been able to survive and produce well are these ones by the riverbank.
Without much wasting of time, we would be harvesting and selling this at the market. Since it is the weekend, a lot of people can have access to some healthy vegetables to eat during the weekend. And I could start using some almost immediately to aid me in recovering fast as well.
Harvesting fluted pumpkins is one of the easiest things to do, especially the ones growing on the ground.
We simply use knives to cut out a few of the stems spreading out, arrange them, and then tie them in bundles.
The pumpkins are expected to regrow in about weeks time and be ready for another harvest. Pumping pipes and generators are what is used here to wet the veggies, and since the soil is fertile, the veggies are growing really well.
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Agriculture is life.