Hapus (Alphonso) mango cultivation : method of planting and Care

in Homesteading4 days ago

Hello friends,🙏

Due to some important work, I could not go to my farm for a long time. Friends, I brought ten Hapus (Alphonso) mango saplings from a friend of mine from his village, Dapoli, one and a half years ago. It comes in Ratnagiri district. Friends, Ratnagiri village is world famous for Hapus (Alphonso) mangoes; mangoes from here are exported all over the world. Their taste, color, size, and flavor are amazing.

This is the village of my office friend. They were planted one and a half years ago. These saplings, which are called grafts here, I bought one for two hundred and fifty. These are even more expensive than this, but my friend gave them to me for two hundred and fifty. Anyone can plant them; let's know about planting them in the field.

Where do you get Hapus (Alphonso) mango saplings?
In Maharashtra's Ratnagiri district, Dapoli Krishi Vidyapeeth has its saplings available for everyone at a good price. You can also buy them from private nurseries, but only if you have a guarantee or if you know the identity; otherwise you will be given some other variety.


Method of planting Hapus (Alphonso) mango:
For planting Hapus (Alphonso) mango, they grow well in soft and black soil with natural fertilizer. Although they can grow in any soil, they will take time to grow. Fill a two-foot-deep pit with animal dung, grass, and soil made from leaves; mix it and fill it with good soil in a circular shape; remove the polythene and plant the mango tree. As seen in the photo. Make a good place for watering.
Water requirement:
Mango trees need water on time. It can die if there is less water. These are small; till then, protect them from animals, because if animals eat them from above, they are not able to grow properly; they can spread.
Flowering and Fruiting:
Hapus (Alphonso) mango trees start flowering in December-January. By May you get to eat its fruits. New trees start flowering within one and a half or two years. You can see this small tree has already started flowering and fruiting. You can see the photo; if they are allowed to bear fruits, they will not be able to grow quickly, so we will take fruits from them from next year. Now we will remove them. Because for good fruits, trees should grow. Next year I will show you people their fruits. There are many varieties of Hapus (Alphonso) mango, but in Maharashtra, Ratnagiri Hapus (Alphonso) and Devgarh Hapus (Alphonso) are very famous.

When these come on the market in May, they are very expensive; initially, they cost 1500 to 2000 rupees a dozen. After a month or two, these are available for 500 to 600 rupees a dozen. It is cultivated on a large scale here, but nowadays, due to climate change and global warming, every season starts a little late, and hence these are badly affected. Friends, I will keep some fruits on some of these trees of mine for eating, which I will definitely show you people in my other blog in the next two months. Friends, how did you like our mango trees? Please comment. Thank you.
Disclaimer:This post is originally written in Hindi by me. English is not my first language. and I have taken the help of Google Translate to translate it into English.
User Name@mulik369
Camera DeviceVivo Y300 plus
LocationPanvel New Mumbai ,Maharashtra,India
contentOriginal text,of my authorship Exclusive to @Hive Blog.