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RE: Adventures In Homesteading (Day 193-213)

in Homesteading3 months ago

Thank you for taking the time to spell it out for me, I would have never understood what you have been talking about by only looking at all the formulas and words you had spelled out, but Jack and Jill, I understand what you are talking about it keeps everything in check and yes the world needs this.


I am glad it helped you understand it and fear not because hardly anyone can even begin to wrap their head around it.

Einstein himself looked for it to no avail and nearly everyone since him has also looked with equally disappointing results. I just happened to accidentally stumble upon it while working on something completely unrelated.

If it helps it is not something that I invented... it is something that I found that defies all our current understanding of the universe and how it works. That said the 'mechanism' (you can call it a formula) is how every naturally occurring system (biology, physics, etc) already works.

wow, I am so impressed.

It was accidental. I just got lucky.

why it actually works even though it works in every test that I have run!@myjob P.S. I should avoid saying that I found what Einstein was looking for but did not find... until I can produce some kind of proof. The messed up part of it all is that I cannot figure out

It is like finding the answer to something without actually knowing the question!

I am excited to see where this goes.

I am also. I will just keep plugging away at it and see where it leads me.