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in Homesteading4 days ago

The logo for our new corporation...

Keeping My Streak Going

Like every day, I recorded a short video to upload to 3Speak, but unfortunately, I'm having issues uploading it. So, instead, I'm writing a post today. I know it's not the same as seeing my shining face (yeah right) but it'll have to do for today!

We started a business...

Yesterday, I incorporated a business in the state of Missouri. We are going to use it as an umbrella company that will, in turn, own our other companies. This way, we can protect our personal assets by signing them over to the corporation. Unfortunately, moving out here has set us back, and the credit card companies are now out for blood.

Easy Fix...

Fortunately, we are able to use the same loopholes that the rich people use all the time to keep ourselves solvent. All of the tools and equipment are going to be owned by the corporation and leased out to whatever company needs them. That way, even if the corporation gets sued for something, well, it doesn't own anything either. It's just leasing.

I know what I'm doing!

Yeah, right, I don't have a clue what I'm doing, but I'm trying! We ran a cleaning company in Michigan and were pretty successful with it. Out here, we only plan on having us as employees, so that will do away with a lot of the insurance needs and taxes. We are also looking at getting declared as a family farm corporation, which would give us even more benefits. As for now, we just have a name and logo.


Pretty cool name, right?