Why did we decide to homestead?

in Homesteading2 months ago (edited)

For those of you that don't know...

My wife and I are both from Lansing Michigan, and in April of last year, we packed up a 30-foot camper trailer with everything we could pack in and moved across four states to Missouri. I was towing it, and we must have had fifty thousand pounds in that trailer.

Scary Trip...

My wife was pulling a utility trailer behind a UHaul truck that had most of our animals in it andin Indiana, the tongue broke and she lost the trailer. With our five thousand dollar sawmill...

Trusting God...

My wife and I truly believe that God has a plan for us and it meant doing what we did. Thankfully, a police officer pulled up where my wife was while I was a mile up the highway and impounded the sawmill and trailer. My wife aunt was willing to loan us the money to get it out a few days later and we actually found every single bolt!

So Why???

Well. If you're paying attention and thinking critical, you can see that geopolitically, the world is still in very bad shape, and smoking Trump hopium is not going to change the war stance the planet is on. I'm sorry but digital identification is coming and global warfare is coming. AI drones are about to lock humanity in a cage. People like me are not going willingly.

And Hey...

My eggs are cheap. I can make Chickens. I can make milk from my goats and more goats. I can make meat from my Rabbits and I have a ton of seeds. Do I think that will provide me with the ability to survive the soon coming things? No. Luckily I live in America and for now, we still have the second amendment and hopefully people will push back when it comes. If not the world will quickly fall in line after America goes.


Like my good personal friends over at Media Bear would say... It's all Psyops. But if you attempt to talk to people about Project Echelon and the Global Sentient Simulation, they have no idea what you're taking about. We're in bad shape people, no matter how "bullish" you are about whatever. It's all emotion.

Did I Even Say Anything?

I don't know, man, you might think about being self-sufficient wherever you are too. I mean, who's coming to save you if I'm right?

Jesus Saves.

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LOL - MediaBear has put out some good stuff. Nice to see y'all appreciate them too!

I'm their head mod on their YouTube channel. I've traveled across the county 3 times to hang out with them. Good people!