Your problem with deer may of course indicate a lead deficiency...
LOL! A light sprinkling of lead would definitely help with my deer problem, but where I live is close enough to the 'downtown' area of our little village that any gunfire usually brings a response of flashing lights and sirens. I have a nice compound bow I inherited from my father, but I still need a bit of practice with the broadheads.
I've used paintball and BB guns to shoo them away for years but I've been experiencing diminishing returns with that practice. My best bet will be to finish the fence.
The fence it is then... I'm in Europe so lead dispensers for "expats" are not easy to acquire. Fortunately the deer seem content to stick to the other side of the river and give my wife and I the pleasure of watching them graze next to the forest as we sit on the deck with a glass of fermented grape beverage... We have had no losses to deer. The cows are another issue entirely and I will need to make a plan with restricting their access next season. They're welcome in winter as they are kind enough to pay their way with manure deposits...