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RE: Visiting a stock cattle farm

in Homesteadinglast year

Hah yeah theres a few trees you just do not see around here.. citrus, avocado and banana.. so when my foreman pointed out that tree I was quite surprised. It looks like its quite different from your cultivated oranges around where you live. The ones that are up here probably need lots of work before you can actually consume them.. unlike yours that can be eaten raw.

Oh that is cool, I had no idea. We hope to get some cows eventually. We plan on fencing in some of my back acreage in plan to get a dozen or so maybe next year or the year after that.

The houses around here are pre-civil war in many cases, I think they are working on restoring that one. Hopefully it will be all made nice too, but in the mean time it does have that old house feel to it.


I am sure the orange tree is what we call a sour sprout, someone could have planted a good orange tree and it froze back past the graft, does it have thorns? Sour sprouts have thorns. It still amazes me that it is living there.