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RE: Putting in gate posts on the back side of the property

in Homesteadinglast year

Hah oh yeah? Maybe I am his doppelganger.

Spraying purple spray paint on trees has been our way of telling hunters to stay away. For those who took the mandatory hunters safety course (required for many in the US to hunt) they learned what purple spray paint means.

It means stay out:


Good to see you already know about the purple paint. I was going to drop a comment about using it.

Armed trespassers are always the worst thing to have to deal with.

I once applied purple paint to the entire border of a property (following the guidelines for it) and had some 'local-yocal' show up not that long afterwards raging at me for doing it... because they could no longer trespass and freely hunt the place!

that is an interesting way to let people know., coloring is good way, atleast better than putting up sign it may be brought down...we have no such hunting ground here....

Yeah I like it, hopefully it catches on to other parts of the world. In the US there is lots of hunting so they needed a way to make people aware.