I found that it didn't matter the color, at least for me, just the design of the piece. That could be with your filament too. I have found that since I changed brands, I don't get near the stringing. I use Kingroon PETG and haven't had any issues.
Actually the only stringing issues I have had as of late has been on TPU, but I am still learning how to work with that wet spaghetti noodle stuff, lol.
I'm trying higher travel speed now on hex inserts to see if it helps. Have to try 1 setting at a time so I don't muddy the waters too much. It's Creality PETG for this spool which could also be an older one. Other brands of white haven't done this as bad. And yeah it is seeming mainly the design, ones that are mesh or honeycombed seem worst.
I've got rolls of TPU and TPR sitting in my cabinet but I've been a bit leery about trying it out yet. It sounds like it's not the easiest to work with.
AH Creality... I absolutely HATE their filament, lol. Also make sure it is as dry as possible...
I only run my filament out of my dryer to make sure it's dry. Yeah I've been having better luck with lots of other brands, this is one of my first spools I got with the printer.
Yeah, use what you have for sure. Especially if it is just for personal use.
So I set the flow to .95, set travel to 1000, then dropped all the layer speeds about 25% and it's looking much better now. No strings at all on this dummy 13 armor print. Thanks for the help!