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RE: Topping off the raised garden beds

in Homesteading23 days ago

Man my back aches just thinking about that dirt moving! Wood definitely will only last a few years so thinking about the next phase is a good idea. Metal for that many beds will be a big investment but you are not afraid to invest where it is needed.

Can’t wait to see the strawberry patch and compare!


Lol yeah I only do it for a few hours at a time and then stop, take a few days off and do a few more hours.

Yeah its something I really need to consider. I just bought a welding rig, so once I get good enough maybe that can be a new project. Though I could probably build them with just bolts and drilled holes.

I should be good once I get it established. May take a year or two but hopefully the beds will be overflowing with strawberry vines soon.
