I think you're having a rough night, I quite understand that because it happens to me almost every night, internet network problems, insomnia and not being able to control myself to stay in bed.
I think people have enough sleep before they go to work every morning, but I can't sleep all day until night comes again, it's very torturous.
You know? it's almost 3 in the morning here, and I haven't been able to sleep yet. very bad! 😣
Yeah last night was a bit rough and the night before for that matter.
I am generally pretty good about falling asleep but with the internet connectivity problems it takes forever to achieve everything that needs done online and by then I am super frustrated.
That sounds great, I think you experience it every night like I do. I think I have insomnia, it would be very boring if we couldn't sleep and there was no internet connection. we can only stare at the bedroom wall. Ha ha...
Ha! I would read more books if I did not have an internet connection but I understand what you mean.
I hope you get some rest!