IMAGE SOURCE: i2.wp.com
Life is really not how happy you can make to be happy. Many are so engrossed with how happy they can be. For all such; the Bible says – “ye ask and receive not because ye ask amiss that ye may consume it upon your lusts” James 4:3. God gives us all thing to richly enjoy. He wants us to be happy and satisfied with the prosperity He bestows upon us; but there is however a greater purpose for the blessings He bestows unto us.
He told Abraham: I will bless you and make you a blessing. God seeks to make us channels of His blessings. He wants others to be blessed through us. He doesn’t want us to put corks on His blessings upon our lives. He wants us to let His blessings flow through us to reach out to others.
With the divine elevation Joseph encountered in Egypt and the awesome prosperity thrusted on him; he must have wondered – why me? He knew it was for a purpose, but he couldn’t put it together. He knew it was something beyond his personal fulfillment; but, he couldn’t comprehend it.

IMAGE SOURCE: i.pinimg.com
It was only after he saw his brothers come down to Egypt in search for corn that the greater purpose of his sudden elevation and prosperity in Egypt dawned on him. It was only then he realized that God had sent him to Egypt to preserve the lives of his brethren.
For every blessing bestowed on you, for every open door that suddenly becomes you portion, God has a purpose. It is not for you to consume only on yourself and family members, there is a greater purpose. There is something broader God seeks to achieve with that blessing and grace He has bestowed upon you.
God does not want you to terminate the flow in your selfish desires and aspirations. God wants the flow to reach out to other people and to flow for the advancement of His kingdom. If you will maintain the flow, God will ensure that the heavens over you remain open for an unceasing flow.