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RE: How American Evangelicalism Is Killing the Vine

in Christian Fellowshiplast year (edited)

Well at least you've given me a clearer perspective on how Christians are in America. I've never really understood all the complicated terms people used there, including politics. Lol. I heard about performative Catholicism/Christianity and I don't even have much idea on that too!

Your book sounds like a treat. Spiritual renewal is always a good read. I've recently experienced that, Lent last yr. So when I see conversion stories on YT it makes me happy to watch. Plus points if they're a celebrity like Shia LaBeouf. Lol.

In terms of the apostles having no rank, I thought Peter was the head because Jesus said He is the rock and foundation where He will build His church. Although I wondered how there could've been 3 Popes back in the day because the apostles had their own students/followers. Good thing it's all been centralized now. Much better to have one head, anyway the Pope is elected by a group of cardinals.
