I am more interested in these issues:
Detailed Bible studies
Devotional or inspirational posts
Personal testimonies and stories
and the subject grateful to God.
It would be cool, maybe a daily topic to post, for example:
Monday of Bible study.
Tuesday of testimony.
Friday of grateful.
and I invite my dear friend @roleerob to join this beautiful community.
I agree more or less with you on this areas of interest to guide intending posters. The truth be told is that sometimes it feels real frustrating when you come up with extra detailed contents that has met these outline, but get little or no reward in terms of upvote for such post. After being a victim of this for a long time, I chosed to prefer getting comments about my post than expecting upvotes.
I am ready to be part of this community and would share bible study content. I wish to invite my friend @bishopntuk to join this family.
Welcome to the community @voclab, and thanks for inviting your friend. Appreciate your feedback and suggestions.
Yes, I understand it can be frustrating to have little engagement/reward on posts that you’ve spent a lot of time on. I will try my best to read posts in this community whenever I can. Blessings.
Great suggestions. Thanks for the feedback.
I agree, I would love to see @roleerob join the community too. I’ve enjoyed reading many of his posts in the past.
Up well before 🌄 (here) @blessed-girl / @nextgen622 and trying to catch up a bit, I am following up on mentions and finding this exchange. I am grateful to learn you both think my contributions to this community might have some value.
My time constraints make me wary. I hate to create expectations that I cannot realistically meet. That said, I will look into joining and see what is expected.
Thank you!