Unknown gods


In this twenty first century a lot of people will tell you that they are Christian yet majority of them are idol worshipper. Wait what are the idols of this era? Well your mind may go to one stone you see at the back or front of someone home, wizard, witch materials or some demonic objects, you are correct. Take note that God hate idol worship; it arouse His jealousy but what many do not know is that they can turn human being to their idol and they can worship a man unknown to them; me I called this unknown gods.

Another question you will ask me is how? I will like to open your eyes to this mistake that many people make but let me start by saying that there is a trait that God hate so much but many people don't pay attention to, despite the many examples in the bible that should deter people from it. This negative traits manifest itself in the form of trying to please men at the expense of loyalty to the almighty God. Doing this is idol worship and it arouses God jealousy and when anyone provoke God to jealousy the results can be devastating.

when we choose to please men instead of God Almighty we have made men our gods and this is contrary to the commandment against idolatry.

It's unfortunate that many people do not know this, some people try to please men because of the favor they are expecting from the person or because of the fear of what they can do to them, it should not be so with us as believers. Our Lord warn us not to be afraid of men who can only kill the body rather we should fear the one who can destroy both the body and soul in hell.

Many people practically denied Jesus Christ for different reasons e.g persecution, success, hunger, job, promotion, some because of what they will eat drink or wear. While some denied Jesus by choosing to please man rather than God.

If you therefore desire a glorious future in this earth and heaven you need to take a stand for Jesus no matter what you may be going through, avoid idolatry, work hard and delight in pleasing God and not man.