Growing up as a young Christian boy, I always got fascinated by the story of how God sent his only begotten son to die for the sins of the world after enduring the harshest torture anyone will ever have to face.
And then, the movies back then made it all seem beautiful as well as sad knowing that, Jesus Christ died by the hands of those called Christians.
More than almost 4 decades, I still have that nostalgia of how looking forward to this day really feels like. That day where the Lord rose from the death after wrestling power from the devil and taking the keys to power and death.
No greater love and I say, no greater love.
Having to sacrifice one's life for another is the greatest sacrifice anyone will do for any and when that is done will with love and understanding, it gets better for the world.
Today is Easter Sunday and that signifies the say Jesus Christ rose from death after he was crucified.
What greater love and what joy we have in our hearts to know that there was and still is someone who took upon himself our sins and iniquity so we can have a better life and be free from guilts when we stand before the father.
Jesus Christ died that we may be free for sicknesses and pain, that the issues of life will be bearable and we can become much more than conqueror as we live.
Jesus Christ died that the scriptures will be fulfilled.
Jesus Christ died that He may wrest power from the devil and bring about freedom to the world where all that trust Him can be free and free indeed to live their best life.
Jesus Christ died that the world be be free from the claws of the the ruler of darkness and to be able to live in the light of the word of God.
Jesus Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice that while we were yet dinners, the grace of God will abide with us and make us be happy.
He is Risen and He rose from the dead to give us lifer eternal that the mercy of God will keep abiding with us.
Happy Easter everyone and stay under the covering of God's love, one He proved by sending His only begotten son to secure for us all.
I love the hymn "Jesus love me".
Jesus loves all people.Hi, bro @ejemai. The love of Christ we can never fathom. All we need to do is to accept and appreciate it.