in Christian Fellowshiplast year (edited)

"Vanity upon vanity, all is vanity" - a well-known phrase, but what does it really mean? Does it mean that everything we do is ultimately meaningless? Or is it a call to live a life of meaning, rather than one of empty pursuits?
The phrase is from the book of Ecclesiastes, a book of the Bible that deals with the meaning of life.

The author, thought to be the ancient king Solomon, explores the vanity of human endeavors, such as wealth, power, and pleasure.

The author of Ecclesiastes argues that all these pursuits are ultimately empty and fleeting. He writes, "I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind." In other words, everything we do is like chasing the wind - ultimately futile and without lasting meaning. However, the author also suggests that there is a way to find meaning in life.


He writes, "The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man."
So, is life really just "vanity upon vanity"?

It's clear that the author of Ecclesiastes is not saying that life is without meaning.

Instead, he's suggesting that we must find meaning in the right things.

Chasing wealth, power, and pleasure is ultimately empty, but living in a way that honors God and obeys his commandments is the true path to fulfillment.

The author reminds us that all we do will eventually fade away, but our relationship with God is eternal.

So, what does this all mean for us today? Is it possible to find meaning and fulfillment in a world where so much seems fleeting and meaningless?

Perhaps the key to finding meaning in life is to focus on what truly matters. Rather than chasing after material things or success, we can focus on building relationships, helping others, and living a life of service.

We can find fulfillment in pursuing our purpose and passions, rather than in pursuing wealth or fame. And we can find joy in the simple things, like spending time with loved ones and taking pleasure in the beauty of the world around us.
In a world that can feel full of vanity, we can choose to find meaning and purpose in the things that truly matter.


I think the message of Ecclesiastes is one that can be relevant to our lives today. It reminds us to focus on what truly matters and to find fulfillment in the simple things.

In a world that can feel so full of chaos and distractions, this message is more important than ever.
What do you think is the most meaningful part of your life?


Your scribe,
Inyang John Itsno Bigdeal
Happy Sunday to you.