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RE: If Jesus is God why does he say “ My God, My God why have you Forsaken me ? “

in Christian Fellowship5 years ago (edited)

I started to learn Hebrew and Aramaic so that I could study the Mystical Zohar (Book of Splendour) .... the 22 letter Hebrew Aleph Bet is a very magical things in itself. I could not believe how much symbolism is hidden within the very first 2 letters ... Aleph and Bet.... this is the name that Jesus always used to call God..... AB.... usually translated as Father.... but it means so much more.... i was hoping I could connect with more mystics and Gnostics here on Hive and Steem but there seem to be none ... Jesus was a great Mystic. He was certainly a Master of the Mystical Hebrew Aleph Bet.... since he created it. He is the Mechi Zadok .... the King of Righteousness.